Chapter 32

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It's Thursday now. My mom has told the school that I am sick. Annabell and the rest of the girls have been coming in every afternoon, dropping work for me. They can see something is wrong but don't ask. I don't know what to do. I've been moping around the house for days now. My mom hasn't said anything to me yet, I know it's coming soon but, He hasn't called. He hasn't come. My prince has yet to save me from the pit of misery he has caused.

Soft foot steps can be heard from out side my door, the quite rap of my mothers knuckles on my door. I emerge from my duvet cocoon," Enter," I call softly. My door slides open and closes with a thud behind my mom. She walks to my bed and gingerly takes a seat on the end.

"Sweetheart, I know this time it isn't just about your fath-, about dad," she sighs and picks up one of my many fluffy toys on the floor," You don't usually act like this during your bad days, I'm getting worried."

I tense and prepare my self,"Mom it's nothing. It's just-it's him." I sniff as I say the last sentence, I run my hand through my now notty hair.@

"Oh darling, boys will do this to you,come here," she reaches out to me and I go to her arms,"Do you really like him that much?"

"It's more than that! I don't know how feel, how to act, I don't know mom, I-I think I might love him."

"My poor sweet girl, when did you grow up? Can't you stay that little child with no worries?"

I mise softly,"Mum, what do I do though? I can't think of him with out my heart yearning to with him. It hurts too much."

"I will tell you exactly what to do baby, you will go to school tomorrow, you will see him and you will wear the jacket he left hear on Saturday night okay?"

"How do you know he was here on Saturday? He left a jacket here?"

" Ah young one, you have much to learn about your mother, she knows everything."


The car engine starts from outside, I'm ready for school, but not for Joe. I ache to be near him but I can't bear the thought of him finding out. I grab the Jacket from the coat hook and make my way to the car. Francis will be taking Max to Preschool later so my mom will be taking me. It's a quiet drive to school, and I'm grateful for that, so I can think.

We pull up ta school gates and my mum squeezes my hand and nods ta me to get out. I take a breath for  courage and I step out the car and walk to the school building.

"Miss Carters, what a pleasant surprise to see you and such a beautiful thing for you to grace us with your presence." I grin, its Samara, she always knows how to cheer me up. Standing behind me stand all four of the girls,"Group hug!" I yell, and we do just that.

"Hey girl , where did you go, you like died for half a week!" Daniella tugs playfully at my loose hair. I'm wearing black ripped skinny jeans with white high tops and of course Joe's hoodie.

"I know guys, I was just sick. I'm much better now, don't worry."

"Well if you need a trip to the nurse office, we are your people," Samara smiles at me.

The bell rings, interrupting our reunion. It looks like I have religious studies, right at the ôté risée of the building. We say our goodbyes and I became my self for the migration of students through the crowded halls. Trying to juggle my books and fit in between a locker and the group of younger kids that just bashed into me, of course I drop everything. A hand lands on my shoulder.

"Hey Kitten," My heart practically explodes, its Joe's voice," I swear that's my favorite jacket," he says.

Play it's cool Megan, I tell my self,"I thought your football jersey was your favorite." Still not facing him.

"But you are wearing my jacket so now this one is my favorite." I beam at his words.

I turn and hug him, My leg lifting up lie they do in the movies, "I've missed you Joey."

"Missed you to Kitten," he grins, matching my huge smile. My hear soars as I remember we have next period together.


It's starting to become a regular habit that I go and write around 11 o'clock at night when I meant to be asleep. And I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I don't really know what what to write about. I don't know if my experience in the love area is very good but I can tell from all the books I've read that this is pretty close. Sorry If these chapters are a little short I find there is less material but more inspiration on days.

I really want to recommend your book called falling to far by anifantasies it's a wonderful book that will make you laugh and cry.

And if you guys want me to write more please comment it really motivates me tell me if you think I should do a chapter in Joe's point of view.

Love ya

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