Chapter 20

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My mom grins at me as I take a seat at the island in the middle of the kitchen.
"Did you and Joe have fun this morning?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, placing a bowl of cereal before me.
I groan very unattractively and roll my eyes,"If you mean him nearly tickling me to death and nearly stopping me from breathing, then yes, we had a whole lot of fun," I say, the sarcasm practically dripping off the walls.

She puts a carton of milk and a small bowl of sugar next to the cereal and I pour the milk and a teaspoon of sugar in the bowl.
"Good morning Vannessa, Megan," I turn my head at the stern voice only to see Joe's mother walk through the door in a yellow silk kimono dressing gown and a pair of fluffy grey slippers. Her short graying hair looking a bit fluffed up but elegant none the less.
I look from her to my mom and back again, taking in my moms white button up pajama top, long pajama pants and brown slippers.
I smile politely at Mrs Founders,"Good Morning, did you sleep well.. Um...Sorry I never caught your name."
"I didn't tell you," she says briskly, picking up the freshly brewed cup of coffee my mom was about to pick up,"Emily. Now, where is my son?"
"I'm here mother," Joe says from the bottom of the stairs, looking rather striking in those jeans and top which show off his toned body very well.
"Ok Joe, you take Megan to school, Vannessa and I will go to my office and sort out the agreement with the investors," Emily directs everyone before I pipe up,"Wait, mom where is Max? I know you told me that he went to the zoo with Francis yesterday but where are they now?"
"Oh yes!," my mom flicks her head with her fingers," Francis took Max to his sisters house because it was his nephews birthday."
Oh, yes, brat Matthew, 3 year who Is old spoilt like there is no tomorrow. Honestly, who buys their son a pony at 3 years old?

I am torn away from my thoughts as I catch Joe taking a huge bite of my cereal. I wrinkle my nose in disgust and push the bowl towards him. He wolfs it down as if he hasn't eaten in weeks. Argh, boys. I help myself to a piece of toast with butter and a cup of tea.
"Let's go kitten," Joe says to me as he finishes devouring an orange, the mothers are engrossed in a heavy argument about who will drive to the office. Joe and I slip out of the house and to his car, he makes an attempt to open the passenger side door for me but it gets stuck and I stand watching him unimpressed with my arms crossed against my chest.

Eventually he finds his keys and unlocks the car, but before he can try and open the door for me again, I am strapped in with my school bag on my lap. He shakes his head at me before sliding into his seat and revving the engine.
He looks at me and his eyes sparkle with anticipation, waiting for me to comment on his fantastic car. I internally roll my eyes and put on a sickly sweet voice, " Oh wow! You car is just so..... So impressive Joe!" I place a hand on his shoulder. He smirks as if this happens every day, which it proberly does, I lift my hand up to stroke his check, fluttering my eyelashes, he grins again before I slap him across the face.

"OWWW!" He moans, rubbing his cheek,"What the frick was that!"

"Stop showing off your car and take me to bloody school!"

"All right sorry Ms bossyboots," he mumbles under his breath, before driving off.

He should be glad that I am going to ignore that last part or else he will get some serious injuries. We drive in in silence, the only sound is a faint beat coming from the speakers. I reach over to turn up the volume but Joe bats my hand away.
"The driver controls the music," he says, his voice full of authority.
I grumble under my breath as he turns up the volume, an old Beatles song plays.

I hum along, and he starts singing the words,

"Hey Jude, Don't let me down
You have found her, now go get her
Remember to let her heart into your heart
Then you can start to make it better."

I reach over and turn down the volume, I look at him my mouth agape.
"You like the Beatles?"
"Yes, Megan, I like the Beatles, don't look at me like that, it is not uncommon for someone to like the Beatles."
"I-I know, the Beatles are my favorite!"
"See! We are not extinct!"
I roll my eyes at him and and turn the radio back up. Joe and I sing along to the rest of the song until we reach the school parking to just before the gates.

I quickly tap him on the shoulder for him to stop.

"Hey Joe?" I ask nervously,  He stops driving and looks at me," Can you, Can you stop here?"

"Why not at the gates?"

I lip before I reply,"Because, um.....won't you be like embarrassed to be seen with me?"

Hurt flashes through is eyes, it is quickly replaced with anger,"Ok. Fine, Big Joe Founders doesn't want his precious ego to be damaged, Have a nice day at school Megan."
He reaches over me to open the door, he glares at me and I have no choice but to get out.

"Wh-no Joe! I didn't mean it like that!" It's to late and he drives off, leaving me speechless in the parking lot.

I try to contemplate what just happened while I walk through the gates and the school doors.


Hey GURL hay! How did'ya like it? Tell me in the comments.
I can't believe that we almost have 350 reads!!!! I know right? Like I still feel that it was just yesterday when I had 48 reads! Thanks for all the support!
Luv you!

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