Chapter 26

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Joe and I walked to the primary school to pick up Max and Joe's little sister, Mya.

They are so cute together! Well right now Max is pulling her Bright pink bobble hair ties from her pigtails.

"Ahhh! Put me down Joe Joe!"

I look up from fixing Mya's hair to see Joe hoisting Max up to his shoulder.

I laugh, and finish with Mya. "I see that you're in touch with your inner child."

Joe pulls a face, and we start walking with the two children. His car isn't far.

It's a small dark blue truck, and we strap Max and Mya in the back. I climb into the passenger seat.

Joe starts the car immediately, and leans into the back. "Surprise, you three! We're going for ice cream!"

I grin, as Max and Mya clap their hands and laugh happily.

"Good idea," I smile.

He takes my hand, and then let's go so he can drive.

Most of our drive is spent playing eye spy with Max and Mya, which I find surprisingly fun, being a seventeen year old.

We stop for ice cream, and Joe makes sure to park in the shade so the car doesn't get hot in the heat of the day.

I hold Mya's hand, and Joe holds onto Max as we cross the road. We stand in the small line for the ice cream cart in the park.

Max is staring into the distance, and Mya is kicking a rock between her two princess pumps.

Max looks at me. "Isn't that your friend Summer?"

I look over, then smile, seeing my short haired, carefree and creative friend. "Yah, Max, but her name is Autumn."

Mya turns her head and squints. "Why is she sharing an ice cream with a girl? That's what boys and girls do." She crosses her arms and frowns.

I move, so I can see Autumn better, and not just her face. And she's right- she is sharing an ice cream with Jay, it looks like they've bonded even more.

Joe laughs, and I suddenly feel awkward. And just my good luck- it's our turn.

"Hey guys! Look! It's our turn! What ice cream do you want?" I say, desperately changing the subject.

Joe seems to realize that I'm unsure about the relationship between Autumn and Jay, so he frowns at me- and I mouth, 'I'll explain when we have the ice cream".

The kids have already forgotten about the Autumn incident, Ice-cream is all over their faces as they chase each other around the playground. Joe and I are sitting on the jungle gym, our legs swinging as we lean back against the bright plastic wall.

"So you wanna hang out this weekend?"

I look at Joe,"Me? You want me to hang out with you this Weekend?"

He grins,"Yeah, we friends now. Friends are allowed to hang out together."

I blush slightly, I never would have thought that I would be friends with Joe Founders.


I know, I know, scream, yell throw things at me or preferably at your screen.

I have been soooo busy and sooo lazy this past month. My friend WolfLover1670 has been begging and bugging me to make this chapter for almost 2 months now.

And here it is. Enjoy and PLAESE go check out my newish book Gravity.

Love you all

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