Chapter 14

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It's the next day and Joe is in my class again. I'm so happy I managed to sit next to him again! I sneak a look to my right, Joe looks up at me and and winks.
I quickly turn my head away and try to focus on the pop quiz the our teacher just handed out.

Do you consider your self a pacifist?
Well I am calm and I don't like to fight. So, yes.

15 minutes later and I'm done, expect for a couple of questions I don't understand.
I take another glance at Joe. I'll try and finish it.

I am able to concentrate on the quiz for the next 7 minutes, but when I see Joe looking like he was about to tear his eyeballs out, I quickly pass him a note, hoping that the teacher doesn't notice.

Joe smirks at me and scribbles something on the note.

He hands it back and shakes his head before biting his pen in an extremely sexy way.

I uncrumple the paper, I wrote 'need help?'.
In bold and capitals,'Question no.12?'

I shrug my shoulders and nod my head towards the clock, 3 minutes left.
He pushes his desk away and stands up, stretching his very muscular arms before smiling at me with his killer smirk.

I blush and stuff my books and pens in my bag before my cheeks explode with Colour.

The teacher sees that we are all restless and say the we can go early.

As I am heading out the door, Joe jogs ups and taps me on the shoulder again.

I get the familiar spark of electricity and look at him putting my hand on my hip.

"We both have a free period next, wanna hang out in the library?"

My jaw drops to the floor. The Joe Founders is asking me if I wanna hang out with him?

He waves his hands in front of my face.

"Um.. Sh-shures! I mea-mean, Ya cool," I stutter fiddling with my bag strap.

He gives me a real genuine grin and nods his head forward and starts walking forward.

I follow quickly and slow down as soon as we are shoulder to shoulder.

He rubs the back of his neck and looks around.
"So um, about the other day...." He looks really nervous, drawing out his words.

"It's chilled, I won't tell anybody about you crying."

He elbows me in the ribs," shh!"
"Sorry! Ok! Take a chill pill."

"Sorry, I just don't want anybody to think.. To think stuff about me."

I give him a quizzical look," Hey, don't worry. I've gone through the, through the same thing."
I look down at my shoes.

He looks away.

I take a deep breath, as we enter the library.
We don't talk for an age but really it was about 30 seconds.

We sit on a large beanbag, and I look him in the eyes. I breath out deeply.

"My dad, my dad tried to save- save me when he go-got hit by a car."
I sniff and sigh, I've already cried all my tears.
I lean in to the bean bag and Joe puts his arm around my shoulders.
"When?" He whispers gently.

"I was 14, my mom was pregnant with my little brother."
He tries to look me in the eyes but I am in a long forgotten place.

"He was in a coma for 3 months. My mom gave birth will he was still alive. We tried every thing, but, nothing would wake him up." My voice is cracking as I tell him what I have never told anybody.
We sit in silence for about a minute.

"My dad, he-he took a drug overdose."
I look up at him and rub his shoulder, his mind in a distant place.
"He was meant to come to my sisters birthday. He never did show up, we called the police and they found him in his flat."
" I'm sorry," I mumble.
"It's not your fault."

I snuggle into his the nook of his shoulder and we stay silent as I slowly drift off.


Hey hey hey!!! Did you miss me?! I wanted this chapter to show their emotions and I wanted the characters to feel real.
The next chapter I'm doing from joes POV.
Hey, maybe some real feelings will be exposed!
Love you!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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