Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! School has been crazy. I'm trying to update all my stories tonight, seeing as how it's the only day this weekend I'm free. Ugh. Let me know what you think.


I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was the way Julie swung her hips, or how confident she was, or how she pissed Ellie off in every way I couldn't. But as soon as we were alone, I was kissing her. Kissing her everywhere. She was silent while I kissed her, but it was better that way, keeping Ellie from knowing.

When our heated make-out session was over, Julie pulled away. A small satisfied smile on her face.  

"I've been wanting that for a while." I hum lightly against her neck, and pull away. Connecting eyes with Ellie, who was now standing the doorway, arms wrapped around herself.

"Get the hell out." She tells me in a cold voice. I take a step towards her and she steps back. Julie grabs my arm and I look down at her. She gives me a small sympathetic smile and I blink down at her.

"Now." Ellie's voice cuts through our moment and I stare down at her belly before walking out of the house without a bag or anything. Julie follows closely behind me and I shrug away from her touch.

"Not now, Julie. Not now." She sighs and follows quietly behind me. I listen closely and hear Ellie's cries behind the closed door. I shake off the guilt and get on the elevator.

"Want to go to the bar tonight?" Julie nods eagerly.


The door slams behind them and I finally let loose the tears I've been holding back.

How could I have been so stupid?

Of course he would cheat on me with her.

She was prettier and nicer and not fat.

I could never compete with that.

I sit down on the couch and grab out my phone, my thumb hovering over his mom's contact. I click and listen to the rings, and then Cheryl's melodic voice.

"Ellie, is that you?" A sob wracks my body and I try to keep it quiet.  

"Yeah, it's me." I croak.  

"Well, hello Dear. Where's Jacob?" I cry into the phone.  

"With his new whore." I hear Cheryl gasp.  

"I'm on my way over Honey, don't move." I nod although she can't see me and she hangs up. I wait on the couch, hoping she'll be there soon, Lili is going crazy.

The sharp pains get stronger and I stand up, ready to start pacing. My legs feel warm and I gasp.

My water.

Is it even safe to have a baby this early?

I scream out and cringe. Oh God. Where's Cheryl? I grab my phone and try calling her again.  

She doesn't answer.  

I call the next person I can think of.  

"What Ellie?" She says in a cold voice.  

"Jaz, I need a ride to the hospital. The baby's on her way."  

"I'm coming." The line goes dead and I can only hope she'll hurry.

Cheryl and Jaz get there about the same time and I sigh in relief.  

"Oh thank God." Cheryl looks confused.  

"Lili is coming." I tell her in a rush and her face becomes red.  

"We'll take my car. Help Ellie out, will you?" Jaz turns to me, keeping a close watch. Cheryl heads out, walking fast to get the car prepared.

Soon I'm practically laying down in Cheryl's equinox. Jaz is turned around telling me to breath while Cheryl is driving a little to fast for comfort.

Never did I think during all of this to call Jake.


Julie and I soon walk through the smoky bar and order drinks. I laugh at Julie's face as she chugs the scotch.  

"Yeah..that's more of a sipping drink." She winces and nods. I order two more, and this time she takes it slow. It's not long before we're both drunk.  

"Julie. Gib me bach my car keeys." I slur. She laughs and holds them out of my reach, before losing her balance and falling to the wooden floor.

It's now 8:30 at night, and I finally decided it was time to go home. I finally user Julie out to my car and get into the drivers side, trying very hard to concentrate. Julie keeps taking the wheel from her passenger side, and making the car go crazy. I see the light post get closer and closer and there's nothing I can do about it.

I yell and Julie laughs.  

"You almost hit that cow!'  


I keep driving, before dropping Julie off and driving back to the apartment Ellie and I shared, to find it empty and unlocked. Something is terribly wrong.


I push again, the doctor telling Cheryl and Jaz to hold my legs tighter. I scream out and push again. The nurse counts down for me. "10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..and done." I relax and ask if it's normal to be nauseous. All the women around me nod and I look to the nurse with troubled eyes. She grabs a plastic container just in time for me to throw up in. I smile gratefully up at her and the nurse in between my legs starts to count again and Jaz and Cheryl grip my legs tighter. "10..9..8..OH THERE'S HER HEAD!" The nurse shouts and I scream. Yeah. I felt the head. Jesus. She starts counting. "7..shoulders..6..5..4..3..2..1" and with one finally scream, Lili comes into the world with a cry.

Everybody finally lets me relax and goes to clean up Lili after the doctor cuts the cord. I sniffle and hold back tears as they bring her over to me, and the warm little bundle finally lands in my arms.

"Hey Beautiful." I hear other people crying and look up to see Jaz and Cheryl crying a bit too. They squeeze into the bed with me, avoiding the iv I'm hooked up too.  

They smile down at my little girl and I feel warmness spreading through my body, love coursing through my veins. The moment is soon shattered when Jaz asks the question that's been on everybody's mind,  

"Where's Jake? You know..the father?"


yay! the baby is finally here which means the story is ending soon. I'll post a picture of Lili soon. Let me know what you think of this chapter, it turned out a lot better than I thought it would. Sorry if it sucks. 






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