Brandon 1

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I wake up in a cold sweat. I can't stop thinking about that day. Even if it was four years ago, I still will never be completely

Healed from my mistake. I look at the clock and see that it's 6:30 am, I would go back to sleep but I never can, especially after that dream. I hear the phone ring. I wonder who it could be at this time of morning.


"Brandon! Come to the hospital now!! I'm in labor!!" it's my sister.

"I'll be there soon, don't worry Jordie."

She screams and Jonathan takes the phone.

"Listen man. She's in a hell of a lot of pain, so excuse the screams, but I think she really wants you there especially since you know your parents wont be there."

I think about my parents. It's another memory that haunts me everynight. I just can't seem to get anything out of my mind. I hear them yelling again and then a gunshot then another. It's silent. I open the door to my parents house and see them lying in the middle of the kitchen pools of blood surrounding them. My father holding a gun. I shudder at the memory.

"Oh, okay. How long do you think she will hold up?"

"I don't know but we just got in the car ad the hospitals 20

Minutes away. And you only live 5 minutes away."

I forgot that she was this close to her due date. But I turn and head into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. Not more that 15 minutes later i am at the hospital.

I rush over to where Jonathan is standing.

"Hey, Man." He says

"How's Jordan?"

"Oh, you know same ole. Se kicked me out of the room, the nurses said to just let her chill for a bit but other than that I could come back in whenever she was calmer?"

"Oh, wow. Where's Emmie and Lily?"

I asked referring to my twin nieces.

"At our neighbors, Ms. McGarhty.

"Okay. Do you mind if I take them out later. " I ask

"Absolutely!! Be my guest! They will be Syked to see you."


All of a sudden a nurse rushes up to us

"Mr. Cario?" she asks

"Yea, that's me." Jonathan says

"Your wife wants you. It's time to you know."

"Oh, sh*t!"

He runs off to Jordan's room. He almost shoves people to the ground as he darts to Jordan's room. The nurse gives me a slight smile and heads back to Jordan's room.

I look around and see a familiar face walking out. He looks like someone I've seen before. I debate if I should go over and ask her. I look back at her she notices me, I see panic in her eyes. She quickly turns And rushes off into a door behind the desk. I keep looking that way. Where have I seen her? I question, suddenly Jonathan walks up

" Clayton James Cario."

"Congrats man. I know he'll be a little rascal."

"Oh, and Jordan wants you."

Jonathan and I walk off to Jordan's room, I still cannot get the lady out of my head.

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now