Christopher 2

118 4 0

Kellie passed out, cold. I ran out to get a doctor.

"Help!!" I scream "Help!!"

A nurse rushes up to me and speaks calmly

"Sir, what can I help you with!"

"My wife.... my wife..... My wife's passes out on the floor."


"Room 413, Help!! please!" tears start rushing down my face.

He nurse an I reach the room. She checks her pulse then calls other nurses in. They pull Kellie onto a stretcher and wheel her out of the room. I start to follow.

"Sir, please stay here. For the good of your son."

"Daddy where's mommy going?" Ryder screeches, he starts to cry

The nurse looks at me then to Ryder.

"Sir, please."

"Okay, please, please tell me why room she will be in, and her condition."

"Okay," the nurse walks out of the room.

"It's okay buddy, everything will be okay."

"Will Lily and Cohen come back?"

"No, Lily and Cohen won't."


"They died."

"They gone? Forever?"

"Yes, they are."

"I miss them,"

"I do to bud, I do to."

-- 25 minutes later--

"Mr Kennedy, She's alright her stress level got to high and all the stress knocked her out. You really need to be a lot more careful, with the levels she has she could miscarriage."


"I know it's shocking, just keep her still and out of stress."

"Did you say Miscarriage?"

"Yes," the nurse says slowly

"That means shes pregnant."

"Yes indeed she is. I take it you didn't know."


"Well, congratulations Mr. Kennedy your going to be a dad."

She turns and walks out.

"What's pregnant? Ryder asks


"Where's the baby! I wanna play with it."

"The baby is in moms tummy."

He looks ready to cry

"What's wrong bud?"

"Mommy ate the baby!!" he screams then bursts into tears

"No, mommy didn't, daddy put it there so it could grow."


"That's a story for when your older."

"Okay, can we see mommy."


We walk out the door, I turn to take one last look at we're Lily and Cohen took their last breaths, the last thing they saw, I begin to get teary eyed.

"Come in daddy let's go see mommy."

"Okay bud, let's go."

We walk to the elevator and head up to Kellies room.

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now