Christopher 1

130 3 0

"Don't worry, the kids are going to have a great time with my mom." I say "This is almost déjà vòò,"

"Yea, I know. I'm just really worried." Kellie looks scared

"Babe, it's alright, lets allow the kids to enjoy their time with y mom an as for us we need to enjoy our week and a half in Hawaii. Also, I may have a little surprise planned for you."

"Okay," she smiles "Your right your mother is perfectly capable of handling them."

"Exactly, now the plane will land in a few minutes so lets just enjoy these really uncomfortable airplane seats and try to stare at the amazing view out of the eraser-cap sized window."

"Hahaha," Kellie giggles, I am finally glad that we're together forever.

"Your like a little kid," I tease

"Well, you are ugh! I give up!" she stares at her lap and grins

I smile "What?"

"Nothing, Nothing."

"Really? What's that grin?"

"What grin? No grin? Huh?"

"Nice try,"

"What are you hiding??"

"Nothing! Christopher, just chill!"









"Okay, I'm confused now!!" Kellie practically slaps me infact she does slap me "I guess I will tell you what's up."

"Good, my wife shouldn't keep stud from me!"

"Okay, we'll I have a mommy blog. And video channel."

"Aww," (this can be taken however you want)


"Your adorable!" Kellie blushes,

The loudspeaker clicks on

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, the plane is now landing in Hawaii please buckle your seat belts and enjoy your stay."

The loudspeaker clicks off

"Christopher, I'm ready."

"To get off this plane?" I question

"No, ready, ready. As in you + me = love tonight."

"Oh," I know exactly what she means and I'm way ready I have been since the day we meet. "Alright, well lucky for you we booked the deluxe triple crowne suite"

"Absolutly," she grins "Also, I have my plans."

"I can't wait. " my manhood is hardening just thinking about it, I can't wait for night!"

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now