Kellie 7

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Christoper rushed in with Tuder rift by his side

"Oh thank goodness your okay." He rushes and scoops me into a hug

"What happened? I don't remember anything."

"You passed out right after Cohen died."

"So that part wasn't a dream, Lily and Cohen really did die?"

"Yes, have you heard the news?"


"I take it you haven't."

"Obviously! Now tell me." I demand

"Well," he says slowly "Your pregnant."

"WHAT??" I screech "I can't be!"

"This is real,"

"Why, Why, Why!" she begins crying

I kneel down by her bed and rub her back

"How? I thought we used protection!"

"We did, until........Wait, you took the condemn off me and then we never put one back on!!!!"

"Mommy? Daddy? What's a condemn?" Ryder asks innocently

I shoot a glance at Christopher that pretty much says you better deal with this cause you mucked up!

"It's a....." Christopher try's to explain

"Mommy, daddy had no clue know. YOu tell me.

I begin to laugh


"Sorry baby, I'll tell you later."

"Mrs. Kennedy?" a nurse walks in "We have your results back in from the other tests and your clear. Your release from the hospital will be at 9 am tomorrow."

The nurse walks out.

"Well, I guess I'm pregnant, and planning a funeral."


"Christopher its fine, now can I rest I'm really tired."

"Okay," He leans in to kiss my forehead "Sleep well"

"I'll try."

Christopher takes Ruder and they walk out the door. I burst into tears

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now