Kellie 11

118 3 0

Kellies now 5 months pregnant


I stare at the screen remembering the last time this happened. I had 3 not 1.

"Ms. and Mr. Kennedy, would you like to know the gender?"

I look at christopher and we both shake out heads no.

"As long as this baby is health I will he okay with whichever gender." Christopher says

"Me too." I say

"Mommy have baby in tummy!" Ryder says from his spot on Christopher's lap.

The nurse giggles an nods

"Mommy does. Oh, an this point the due date can be a bit more accurate so I'd say the baby will be born around April 21st"

"Wow," Christopher says "Four more months until we get to meet our little one."

I smile, I wish Lily and Cohen were here to see this.

"Thank you" I say to the nurse as se wipes the gel off my stomach

"No problem, oh and I have your next appointment scheduled for February 16th"

----------- 15 minutes later------

I sit in the passenger seat and look at Christopher

"Babe, can we stop and get some vanilla ice cream and mustard at the store? Oh, and some Hot wings with Jelly?"

"Were about to go eat though."

"I know, but I really want some RIGHT now!!!"

"Alright, we can stop."

"Yay!" I sound just like a little kid.

Christopher pulls into the grocery store parking lot and gets out, but not before telling me to wait here.

I watch as Christopher takes Ryder into the store to get me food.

He's such a good Husband, I decide to text Lil.

K -Hey, Lil what's up-

L - Please, I don't wanna talk-

K - What's wrong-

L -Call Me-

She picks up on the first ring.

"Lil? Is everything okay??"

"No!!!!" she sobs "Three Words, Pregnant, Husband Cheated!"

"Oh, Lil I'm sorry!"

"And...and....and the woman he cheated on me with is pregnant!!!! So now I'm pregnant and he has no clue bits leaving me for ...........Her!!" she bursts into tears once again.

"Look Lil, if you need a place to stay come live with me."


"Yes, Lil your my Best Friend! And, I've been in your shoes."

"Thanks Kellie! When can I come? He kicked me out of the house for the slut to move in."

"Come ASAP! Christopher and I ought a new house and there's a master suite with a little office off it that can be a nursery."

"Kellie , your amazing. I only have the clothes I'm wearing and barley any money, cause he kicked me out without letting me grab anything!!"

"Lil, Don't sweat it, I'm going to call the closest airport to you and book you a ticket, I have the advanced flyers card and I have enough points for a free ticket."

"Kellie, I can't!"

"Lil, yes you can, and you will. Please."

"Thank you Kellie."

She and I talk for a little while to work out details, and after I call the airport and arrange her 1st class flight, we say see ya to each other and hang up.

Christopher and Ryder get back in the car, holding my yummy looking food!

"Yay! You got my food! You love me!!!"

Christopher gives me an odd look and then I say

"Lils coming to live with us. Her husband cheated, got some slut preggo, and kicked her out. Oh, and she's pregnant."

Christopher turns from the steering wheel and looks shocked

"Eyes on the road mister!"

"Mommy?" Ryder asks "What's a slut?"

Lovely my three year old son just asked me what a slut is. I turn to Christopher, he looks at me like it's all on you, your the one who said it

"Ryder, never say that again."


"It's a bad word."

"Oh, mommy!" his little eyes go wide

I turn back to the road and rest a hand on my stomach, four months until i get to meet my little angel.

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now