Ashlee 2

107 3 0

I can't shake the feeling from my head. It's all my fault, I'm the one who caused this mess. And I can't believe what happened.

"Nooo! Lily stop! Cohen don't run after her!!! Please stop!!! Ryder, stay where you are!!! LILY!!! COHEN!!!"

The truck, the screams, the blood, the sirens, the crying. It all plays back in my head as I sit in the hospital waiting room, waiting for Kellie and Christopher to arrive. I called them as soon a the ambulance pulled up.

-1 1/2 earlier-

"Gram when's mom going to be back?"

"Yea, she's been gone for a long time "

"I miss her, and where's daddy?"

"There on their still on their honeymoon."


"Because they got married."


"Daddy asked mommy to."


"Because daddy loved mommy very much."


"Okay, who wants cookies!"

"MEEE!" they all three screech

"Okay, stay put and when I get back we an have cookies."


I leave them playing with Bella and Elwood (Ashlee's dogs. Bassett Hounds)

"Gramma Cohen and Lily went outside."


"They took Bella and Elwood."

I dash out of the bathroom and down the hall, I reach the back door and go outside there not there. They know better then to leave the fenced in yard.

"Ryder where are they?" I turn frantically

"They went out the other door." he says simply

I rush out the front door just in time to see Lily and Ryder trying to rush across a busy street.

"Nooo!! Lily stop!! Cohen don't run after her!! Please stop.!! Ryder stay where you are!!! LILY!!! COHEN!!"


end of flashback

"Gramma, where sissy and bubba?"

"With the doctors,"


"Ryder, not now please." I burst into tears

"It's okay gramma," his little hand pays my back "Lily and Cohen will get better. They always do."

I turn and smile

"I hope so, I really do."

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora