Kellie 1

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I look up from the paperwork I'm holding. I look at Alyssa,

"Hey, Kellie not to alarm you but some guy is staring at you."


"What's he look like?"

"Umm, tallish, Blonde-Brown hair, I can't make out what color eyes but..."

"It cant be!"

"Alyssa does he look like he used to play football?"

"Yea, cause he's got some yummy looking muscles."


"What's wrong?"


"Oh no! Are ya telling me that, that boy is..."

"Brandon Gregory Kennedy."

"Girl he looks like he's walking this way."

"I've got to get out of here, do you think I can duck away without him seeing me?"

"Possibly, but go fast! I'll try to stall him!"

"Deal. I start to walk off."

"Wait, Kellie look over your shoulder,"


"Just do it!"

I glance over my shoulder and see my nightmare standing by the waiting area. I can't see my face but I alone it's fear. I turn quickly and duck into the office area behind the main desk. I rush into the safety of my office

Once I'm begin my closed door, I turn and see Lil.

"Lil! What are you doing here??"

"Oh, Kay you know. I'm testing out my teleportation device."

I give her an odd glance.

"Okay, fine my flight just for in an hour ago and

I wanted to see If we could grab brunch."

"Yea, absolutely. But can we wait a minute cause Brandon's out there."

"He's what??"

"YEP!!" i say," Hey, it's been over 2 years since you came her would you like to the hospital workers daycare center and see you godchildren? "

" Well duh! I want to see my little Lila-Bear and Ryder and Cohen."

"Lila-Bear? Where's the nicknames for Ryder and Cohen? I mean they came up with nicknames for you!"


"Yes, Lily calls you Samey Namey

Ryder calls you Auntie Purple

And Cohen calls you Lily two ."

"Aww. I can't wait to see them!"

"I'll have the nursery people bring them here just so we don't have to cross Brandon."

"Sweet! Your an amazing mom Kellie even if your dreams didn't pan out the way you wanted them to."


I turn to my phone and dial the number for the daycare and ask if the could bring my children to my office.

After I turn and call I face Lil.

"I was told he was dead. A few years ago."

Her face turns white

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now