Brandon 5

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"He's my husband." She says

My jaw drops except I don't know it until she mentions it.

"Brandon, close your mouth you'll get flies!!"

"Oh sorry,"

"Listen, I'm married now. But thats not why I came."

"Oh, right. Yeah, family right?"

"Yea, as you know I was pregnant when I left you."

Christopher gets up to go, Kellie pulls him back. I can tell by her far that she really wants him with her.


"Okay, we'll here it goes. Me and Brandon were on our honeymoon about 3 weeks ago and it was cut short. My Mother-In-Law called to tell me Lily had been in a bad wreck."

"Wait, let me stop you there who's lily?"

"Oh, right Lily is your daughter."

"I have a daughter?"

"Not exactly,"


"She died, along with Cohen. But Ryder survived infact he never stepped foot near the truck."

"Cohen? Ryder?"

"Lily was a triplet, I had three. Lily, Ryder, and Cohen."

"And now two of them are dead?" I stutter


"What did the truck look like?"

"I'm not sure, but I got the license plate number off Ashlee, my mother in law."

"What was it?"

"777 B 3231" (AN: I know it's to long to be an actual license plate number but.. Yea just keep reading)

"Brandon are you okay?"

"That's... That was my ex-girlfriends truck"


"Guys I hate to interior this but Kellie we need to get to an ultrasound appointment." Christopher dad suddenly

"You guys are expecting?" I question

"Yes we are," Kellie stands up

"Congratulations," I mumble

"Thanks" Christopher says

"Oh, before we go, Brandon, I wants to invite you to their funeral."

"Sure, I guess"

"Is your address the same?"


"I'll mail you the info."


"See you Brandon" she says as she walks of with her Husband. I wait until I know they are gone then I dash out to my truck and bawl like a baby.

Kellies Married, I have no chance now. Wait, I have to get to Viki's house!!! She must pay,

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now