Kellie 10

112 3 0

December 16th ---- 1 month 3 days since the coffee shop meet up

It's the day before the funeral an I must say that I'm an emotional wreck. I've spent all morning crying and I have not gone to work in almost a month. Christopher walks in.

He try's to comfort me.

"Shhh, babe. It's alright let it out."

I keep crying.

"Babe," I sniffle

"Yea, Sweetheart?"

"Two things. First can you get me some vanilla ice cream with relish and chocolate chips?" Christopher looks at me funny "What, your little monster wants it."

He chuckles

"Sure, I'll get you it." he gets up to leave but I pull him back down

"Second, I don't want to work at the hospital anymore, I've had my time. I want to do something more with my life."


"I want to own a Cafe."

He looks shocked.

"Well, of that makes you happy you can."

"Okay," I smile "Now go get me my ice cream!" I whine like a little kid

----3 hours later-----

We're sitting in the waiting room, at the hospital. Today's the day I get to see my baby again. I know it's way early to tell the gender but I have a feeling it's a girl.

----- 1 hour later-------

Me and Christopher are cuddling on the couch, he's rubbing my arm. I Lean closer to him, then pull back.

"Babe, I'm sorry," I burst into tears

Christopher looks shocked,

"For what?" he asks, he pulls me back and hugs me

"Everything, this, me!!!" I bawl

"Shhh, Kellie it's okay. I understand, your hormones are all out of balance and tomorrow you have to watch to of you children get buried. Your a login mother and it's hard,"

"Im sorry, I'm a wreck. I.... It's....." I can't even finish my sentence before the crying takes over me again.

I hate this part of pregnancy!!


A/N what was the end of Kellies Sentence? They world may never know!! (insert evil laughter here) (jk, I have no evil laugh)

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