Brandon 2

209 7 1

"Hey Jonathan. My Phone isn't in my pocket. I'm going to go back and see if it's somewhere in the waiting room. Go to Jordan's room and they'll her I will be right there."

"Alrighty, Brandon. Don't take to long she doesn't like to be kept waiting."

I turn around and walk back to the waiting room and I notice my phone on a chair I walk over and pick it up.

"I've got it!!" I practically yell

I unlock my phone and search through my photos the 34th one on my list Kellie St. Peters. She's the girl I saw!!

I walk up to the desk and and speak to Alyssa.

"Umm, excuse me?" I stutter

"What can I help you with Sir?" Alyssa says

"May I speak to Kellie St. Peters?"

"I'm sorry she just clocked out."

"But it's only..."

"Sorry, you cannot speak to her."

"Okay, well can you tell her to call me?"


I turn and walk to Jordan's room as I walk three little kids come rushing down the hall with a hospital worker right behind them. I stop and here some of there conversation.

"Samey Namey! HERE!" a little girl yells

"Purple!Purple!" a little boy says

"Lily two?"

Another boy says

" I lily!" the little girl demands. She stops walking and turns to face her brother "she Samey Namey!"

"Lily, mommy wot like woo doing thwat!" one of the boys says

"Lily, Ryder, Cohen. Let's go find mommy she said that she wanted to take you somewhere with Auntie Lil." a hot worker sad

The little Girl waves her blonde head up and down. Her pig tails bounce against her head.

"Okay." the little Girl says who I assume is Lily."

"Come one Cohen." The boy says who I assume is Ryder.

Cohen looks at the ground

The daycare worker gets the kids to continue walking the little girl looked so much like Kellie. Wait? It couldn't be! No way! Triplets??

My heads still in a tizzy when I reach Jordan's room I peek in and see that she's feeding him.

"Knock Knock!" I say

"Brandon!!" she nearly shrieks

I nod my head towards Clayton feeding.

"Oh," she blushes

"I think I'll come back later I'm going to go hang out with Lily and Emmie."

"Alrighty, man. Tell then to behave or no surprise." Jonathan

"Tell them Mommy loves them." Jordan demands

"K, Jordie no need to bite my head off!"

"See ya!" they say as I walk out the room I can't stop thinking about the three kids. They can't be mine can they? I mean there four. And.. Duh! That night outside! How could I forget! The stupid condemn must have broke! But why triplets? It's not in my family and Kellies an only child. Unless she didn't tell me something.

I reach my car in the parking lot, well at least this isn't the hospital

I got dumped at. That would have sucked majorly. I get in and drive off to pick up Emmie and Lily.

After driving for about 30 minutes reached there neighbors house I went up to the door and knocked

"What do ya want?" an old lady grumbled

"I came to pick up Lily and Emmie."

"Take Em' there pathetic! Girls get outta here!"

Emmie and Lily come running out

"Uncle B!!" they shout

"Thats me! Ready to go!"

"Yes!!" Emmie shakes her head up and down wildly

"Do you have your stuff?"

"We didn't bring any mommy and dada made us come here at early morning and Mrs. Grouch didn't like us " Lily said

"Oh, we'll lets go have fun?"

"Figures!" Mrs. McGrouchy says as she slams the door in our faces

"Well, someone's in a good mood today!" Emmie says

"Emmie." I demand

"Fine." she sulks over to my truck with Lily right behind and hops in the back seat. Atleast I already have Booster seats for them.

I walk over to the truck and Check to make sure they are buckled in. I look at my adorable 3 year old nieces,

"Where should we go?" I ask

"Arcadian!!" they screech

"Alight! Away we go!" i step in the gas and begin to drive to Arcadian

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now