Kellie 4

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"Bye Bye Mommy!!" my kids call a I turn and walk inside the airport.

"Hard, Huh?" Christopher asks

"Yea, I've never been without them for more than 3 days."

"Oh, well don't worry they will live hanging out with my mom for a week and a half. Meanwhile, we need to enjoy our honeymoon in Hawaii."

"Your right. They'll be fine."

We check put tickets and head through security. After waiting at the gate for eternity, the loud speaker comes on

"Attention, ladies and gentleman flight 352 Aloha Airlines to Hawaii has been delayed by 2 hours sorry for any inconvenience meanwhile enjoy your time browsing thought the various shops. Thank you."

The speaker clicks off.

"Really?" Christopher Groans

"I know, this really bites! I mean we have 2 hours to do pretty much nothing!"

" Well, let's get up and walk around Maybe we can find something to do, I really don't want to sit here for 2 hours."


Christopher gets up and picks up our carry one. I stand up and brush off the back of my skirt.

We turn and make our way to the panel of shops located conveniently at the gate.

"Kellie? Kellie StPeters!!?!?" a voice calls

"Ally?" I ask

"Yea, It's me! So how you been Ms. Peters?"

"Kennedy, Kellie Kennedy."

"Oh, so your married!"

"Yea, this is my husband Christopher."

"Nice to meet you, Christopher."

"Well, good seeing you Kellie I better get back to my group, we're going to Rome!!"

"Exciting, See ya."

Ally walks off

"Who was she?" Christopher asks

"Preppy, Cheer, Bitch in high school. Thought it was wrong for me to be Valedictorian when I was pregnant."

"Oh, well. Ummm.."

"Yea, it's fine. Look an Elbe's Bagels!! Wanna grab a snack before we leave?"

"Sounds good,"

We both head to the little Elbe's stand and order. After we eat we browse shops some more and finally our flight is here.

Hello Hawaii!!!


Pay attention to POV on the chapters because I'm adding some new characters POV in.

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now