Kellie 6

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A/N I don't know how much of this chapter I can write without crying.

"Where are they?!!??!??? Where are my Kids?!!?????" I yell I rush into the hospital door, it's the same hospital I work at so I quickly access files and fin my children.


We rush to the elevator, time can't go slow enough right now. After waiting for eternity the elevator arrives, I push floor 4 a thousand times.

The elevator arrives to the floor.

I push and shove to get out, Christopher doles out apologies to the people.

I make it outlet and run over to where Ashlee is sitting with Cohen. I scoop him up.

"My baby, your okay."

"Yes, mommy I'm okay. Lily and Cohen have boo-boos and are seeing a doctors. They'll be okay, right mommy?"

"I hope, I really do."

I set him down and turn to Ashlee

"How could you?" Spitefulness in my voice "They were my children!"

"Kellie, Chill!" Christopher says

"BE QUIET!" I yell at him "Ashlee tell me."

"Kellie, I went to the bathroom for 2 minutes."

"Who was watching them?"

"No one....."

"WHY?!??" suddenly everything changes and I fall down crying.

"I'm so sorry, Ashlee, it's just I've not stopped Wong worried since you called."

"It's okay hon, I know your children are in the hospital, and you dot know how to react."

"I'm so sorry," I say between tears

(A/N I'm starting to cry writing this.)

"Excuse me, are you the St. Peter family?" a doctor says as they walks up

"Yes, that's my last name," I stutter

"Was, it's Kennedy now." Christopher says

"That's not important, anyways Kellie your children Lily and Cohen...."

"Yes, they are, my son and daughter." I'm shaking

"Well, I have some news and it won't be good,"

"What is it?" I'm standing up

"Lily's surgery went well however there were some minor complications. And Cohen took several sever hits and has tops a few hours left."

"What, it can't be! Cohen will die? How minor we're these complications?"

"They were ranked level 6"

"Oh, no, Oh no! No no no no. No!!!!"

"Would you like to see them?"

I nod my head frantically.

Everyone stands up, except for Ashlee, we follow the doctor to their room,

"Come Ashlee, you deserve to see them." I say when I notice she's not following she gets up and follows

"My babies I say as I rush to them."

"Mommy, my self hurts." Cohen says, he shuts his eyes and dozes into a nap

"Mommy, Lily says. "My head hurts an my eyes are to heave to keep open."

"I love you baby girl."

--the next day--

I look at the heart monitor it's decreasing slowly.

The doctor walks in to check in her

"She won't make it, say your goodbyes."

The doctor walks out

I crumble to the ground, Christopher rushes to my side to comfort me.

"It's okay honey, say goodbye." He rubs my back I Gather up enough strength to sit on the edge of her bed

"Christopher, say yours first, I need to think of the right words."


"Christopher take a sound recording on my phone of yours and mine."

He take my phone to record it,

"Lily, I've known you for a little over a year and that year has been the best of my life, you accepted me as a father and that meant the world to me. I wish you would still be here longer but your path has been paved so, Goodbye, I love you. Daddy will love you forever. Someday we will meet again."

"Mommy can I say something!"

"Yes Ryder"

"Sissy, you were the best sissy in the world. Ryder loves you." he leans in and kissed her forehead

"Whenever your ready Kellie."

I nod my head.

"Lily, I have loved you since before you entered this world, and I will always love you. You haven't grown up to accomplished at you've dreamed of, but you made your impact on the world, you hands and feet has touched many hearts and will not be forgotten, I love you. You are my baby girl, and always will be. Rest in Paradise. Rest in Peace. Mommy will always love you."

"I love you to mommy. Bye-Bye daddy.

Ryder stay bubba." Lily's last words escape her mouth

The heart monitor starts beeping, nurses and doctors flood the room.

We get pushed to the side.

After several minutes they clear out, she's lifeless

"I'm sorry, She didn't make it."

The doctor heads out

"Mommy, I love you" Cohen says

"I love you to, Cohen. I love you to."

The heart monitor starts to beep and the room fills back up. The room clears out again and I'm left to say goodbyes. They said they had him stable, but don't know how much longer it will last.

"Cohen, Please, don't go." Ryder says "I need you, I love you."

Ryder leans in to hug Cohen

"Christopher, do you want to say something."

He shakes his head yes

"Cohen, you are the man, you were amazing at football and were one of the best sports players I have known. I love you, treat your sister well. Rest in Peace."

"Cohen, I love you. you were my son, and my beautiful son I remember the day I fist held you, it was perfect............"

The heart monitor stops, he's gone. I didn't even get to finish.

I burst into tears I've lost two Children today, I cry and cry and cry. Christopher holds me and comforts me. Doctors come to take their bodies. My beautiful children.

Suddenly the world goes black.

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now