Brandon 6

117 3 0

- 4 weeks after seeing Kellie-

I walk down to the lobby to get my mail, I keep anticipating a letter from Kellie. I unlock my mail box, I know I told Kellie I had the same address at the shop but it changed, so I messaged her online to give her my new one. I now live in LA instead of the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts. But I don't care, I will fly across the country to see my children's funeral. But, after that I've decided with Viki and now Kellie being married I don't want kids, do I'm giving that guy, Clayton, Charlie, Carl, Chris whatever his face name was the full rights to the third triplet. I don't want to pay child support. I don't want to sound like a Jerk but I came to LA to star in a movie,And I can't have a child weighing me down. Plus, I'm hoping I can get a true wife or girlfriend here. Somehow through all my pondering I've got my mail and made my way back up to the penthouse that I now own. I sort through the random junk and at the very bottom is a letter from Kellie. I tear it open.


I'm glad you've found your place in this world. I knew back when we were engaged that you didn't want to be in Boston's outskirts. Anyway, the dates are set, The funeral will be on December 17th, their Birthday, at the Northern Funeral Home. The visitation will be from 10am until 1 pm then the funeral will be at 4 pm. I hope you will come, also if you want you can come early to my house to meet Ryder, your remaining son. I'm really sorry for not contacting you before, when Lily and Cohen were alive. But, you treated me like a real Jerk, and you hurt me deeply. I want the best for my son, and I've decided that I am no longer going to have full custody over Ryder, I'm having his Father changed to Christopher and I may have you added as Birth father, but I really expect nothing out of you. You left me suddenly and I have no plans to just forget and forgive.


Reading the letter hurts me inside, I knew she was mad, but I didn't know she was this mad. I have to prove to her that she's wrong.

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