Christopher 4

112 3 0

"Where's mommy?" Ryder asks

"Saying goodbye." I say

"Why, long?"

"Goodbyes are hard, especially when you'll never see the person again."

"Hello!" he says

"Huh?" I ask


I giggle at him.

"Hello," he says again "Goodbye hard. Hello easy."

Little kid logic. I look at the time, Kellie should have been here by now. I wait a few more minutes, she's not back.

"Ryder, stay here." I say sternly

"Okay," he says he goes back to "reading" his book.

I get out of the car and make my way back to the graves. I panic when I don't see kellie standing there.

Suddenly I spot we in the ground, again? This can't be, happening I whip out my phone and call 911. I shut the phone off and pick up kellie bridal-style and rush back to the car.

I set kellie on the grass and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait. After what feels like 300000000 hours an ambulance arrives.

"Sir, how is this woman related to you?" an ambulance attendant ask


"Name?" he asks

"Kellie Kennedy."

"Maiden Name?" he says, two other personnel rush to get kellie loaded in the ambulance. ?

"St. Peters" I say

"Thanks," he says and joins the other 2 ambulance personnel by Kellie, in the ambulance.

"Bielefeld 183" one says

"Alpha B 214 47" one replies

I am so confused I don't know what any of these terms mean. Is she ok? What's wrong? The baby?? MY WIFE AND CHILD!!! Stay calm Ryder has no clue what's going on! These questions rush through my head. I mentally slap myself for getting so overworked.

"242 stable" the man says who asked the questions "Mr Kennedy?" he asks as he stands up "She's stable, but in critical conditions."


"Yes, she's at high risk right now of losing the child and she's going to have to be put into a medically induced coma."

"Coma?" it hits me like a ton of bricks

"Just for 2 days, he body needs to recover."

"Okay, will we know about the health of the baby?" I ask

"When we arrive."

The ambulance arrives at the hospital and the unload Kellie, I get out. I hold Ryder. He's been surprisingly quiet the whole ride.

They take Kellie back to a room were Ruder and I can't go so we take a seat in the waiting room.

I think about everything and how much our life has changed. I wonder how well Kellie will take it when she finds out I got a Judgeship in New York. We will have to move from Denver to NY. But it will be harder on her than me, she has to leave her 2 kids behind.

"Daddy?" Ryder looks at me


"can I play?" He asks, referring to the little child play area in the corner

"Yes, you can."

He gets up and rushes over to the play area. I think back into my thoughts. I'll be a judge, as long as Kellie approves. That's one thing I would never think possible, I hope she will agree because this would mean so much to my career.

I hope...............



Sorry for not updating in forever. I have been really busy. Also I get to go on vacation for Thanksgiving so I will update as soon as possible if I cant then the next post will be 1 1/2 weeks or so.


Be thankful, Enjoy Family, EAT LOTS OF YUMMY FOOD!


happy thanksgiving to everyone.

The one moment when.... Everything went wrong.Where stories live. Discover now