Kellie 9

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"Are you excited?" I ask Christopher

"Yea, I am. It's exciting to get to have a kid of my own."


--later in the hospital--

"Kellie Kennedy?" a nurse calls

I stand up and make my way to the door, Christopher right behind me.

The doctor will be with you shortly.

"Hi, I'm Missy. You must be Kellie."


"Okay, so your here just for a little check up."


"Okay, now I have to put some gel on your stomach. It may be a little cool."

"I know,"

"You have another?"

"Yea, a son."

"Your baby looks just fine. I'd say your about a month in, maybe just under,"


"Can we have pictures" Christopher asks

"Sure!" Missy leaves to get the pictures. After se returns we set up another appointment for Kellie around 2 1/2 months.


Sorry it's so short, I've been crazy busy this past week. Oh and Happy Halloween! (sorry its a day late.)

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