Kellie 8

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Thank goodness Christopher's going with me to meet with Brandon. I glance at Christopher he has his eyes stapled on the road ahead. I think he notices how nervous I am.

"Kellie, it's alright I'm doing this with you."

"I know, I'm just extremely nervous. It's been 4 years since we last saw each other and it didn't go to well."

"Oh, right I forgot that part."

"Yea," I begin to sob "I wish he worked out better. He never even knew Cohen or Lily."

"Babe, it's alright we'll figure it out."

"I've decided I want Ryder to know who his real dad is."

"Okay, it's mostly up to you since I'm not his biological dad."

"I know, just......"

"It's okay, I understand babe." he says

I have the best husband in the world.

-at the coffee shop-

Christopher gets out of the car and opens my door.

"Your such a gentleman."

"Well, your carrying my baby now."

I smile, Christopher will you order while i go talk privately with Brandon for a few minutes?"

"Sure, what would you like?"

"Umm, coffees not good for the baby so a Hot Chai Tea and I'm craving peanut butter and line so can I get a peanut butter brownie and a Lime cupcake?"

"Okay," he kisses me on the cheek then turns to order.

I walk over to the booth where Brandon is sitting. He's playing some game on his phone.

"Brandon?" He looks up "It's me"

"Kellie? Your Here,"

"Yea, I am"

"You look different"

I shrug somehow after my first pregnancy my hair turned from a blonde to a deep brown. and I got green colored contacts

"Yea, I got colored contacts, and my hair changed."

"So, what's this all about?"

"Ummm, can you give me a minute."

I rush up and run to the ladies room, My breakfast is suddenly in a toilet bowl. I take several breaths expecting no more then more comes up. I breath heavily and after waiting for a few minutes I get up, wash my mouth out, and straighter my outfit.

I walk back to the table

"Sorry, about that."

"It's okay,"

Christopher walks up

"Kellie are you okay? I saw you rush to the bathroom,"

"Yeah, I'm fine just some morning sickness."

"Oh," he sets down my order, then slides in the booth "For only being 8 am you sure are hungry."

"Who are you?" Brandon asks

"Ummm," Christopher looks at me

"Brandon meet Christopher. He's my Husband." I saw

His jaw drops

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