12. Youngjae : Murderer

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Y/D/N - Your Daughter name


Youngjae excitedly got in your house. Excited to see you who is his beloved girlfriend. A plastic bag of tteobeokki in his hand just like what you wish. He excited to see you eat because he is happy you are pregnant his child. He know both of you not marry yet but he will take responsiblity because he love you.

He heard you screaming. He hurriedly find you in your room. As he got in, he saw Jackson, your ex-boyfriend, hurting you.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Youngjae yelled as he drop the plastic bag on the floor and push him from you. Jackson fell down. You already cry.

"I TOLD YOU NOT COME HERE!" Youngjae grabbed a glass vase and hit Jackson on his head. Jackson suddenly didn't move. His head bleeding but Youngjae still not finish. He keep hitting his head.

"Youngjae! Stop it!" You tried to stop him when you see Jackson didn't move at all. He finally stop and exhaled hardly. His chest went up and down cause he mad.

"Are you okay? You hurt? Where? Tell me. Our child fine, right?" He asked you worriedly. You nodded. He exhaled reliefly and hug you. You hug him back but your eyes looking at dead Jackson. You realized that he not moving. You broke the hug.

"Jackson! Jackson! Please wake up! Wake up now! Don't kidding!" You shook his body. Your hand shaking, scared that he will die.

"Choi Youngjae! He's not breathing!" You said in fear. Youngjae eyes widen.

"No! No way..I don't mean..to kill him!" His voice shaking.

"I killed someone..." He mumbled. His shaking from head to toe. He felt guilty but the most important thing is you.

"(Y/N), you got out now!" He told. You looked at him with wet cheeks.

"GET OUT!!" He yelled. You grabbed his hand.

"(Y/N), listen to me! Run away from here. Let me take this, ok? You didn't do anything wrong. I did it. You go now" He told as he cried. You shook your head.

"No you didn't do anything. Is because of me. Let's take this together?" You said as you cried hardly. He cupped your cheeks.

"Listen to me! You didn't do anything! So please go...for our child, please" He told as he touch your stomach. You can't stop crying.

"It's ok, I'll be fine. I'll find you later" He kissed your forehead.


7 years later...

"(Y/D/N)! Let's eat!" You shouted. Your 7 years old daughter ran toward the food excitedly. You smiled widely.

"Sit hear, I will feed you" You told softly. She sat in front of the table before you.

"Omma, I'll eat myself" She told. You surprised by her word.

"Aigoo, you already grow up!" You smiled widely. You gave she her food and eat together.

"Omma.." She called you in sad tone. You hummed.

"Another kids at my school have a really cool appa. Why I don't have one? Where is my appa?" She asked in sad tone. You speechless. You faked a smile.

"Your dad goes to work. He go to work faaaaarrr away from here. He will come to us with a looott of money. You understand?" You lied as you tear up. He probally in jail right now.

"When will he back?" She asked.

"Wait a bit longer. He will back home soon. You will wait for him, right?" You asked. She nodded. He will back after 3 years actually.

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