27. Bambam : One-Sided Love

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"I want to die"

You laid on the floor, cuddling under the white blanket. Your eyes were blank and unfocused while you felt like dying. Your heart hurt a lot because of that liar. The scene that breaks your heart kept replaying in your mind. Your phone ringing on your bed, Bambam's calling but you probably couldn't hear that. Maybe you hear it but you just ignore it. You was about to lose your mind.

"Liar...you're lying from the beginning..."

You closed your eyes, felt so hurt in your chest. You exhaled softly. After a while, you changed place, under your bed. It's darker down there, brings you a bit peace.

"(Y/N)!" Bambam opened the door, seem so worried.

"Where's she?" He looked around, in the bathroom, in the closet. He saw your phone on your bed then he saw your blanket under your bed. He looked down under the bed, sighed heavily when he saw you cuddling in a blanket. You avoided his worried eyes.

"I want to be alone. Go.." You spoke weakly, covered your whole body with blanket. He laid down on the floor, facing you.

"I'm right here. Me, Bambam, your bestfriend" He spoke softly, comforting you as you ignored him.

"Let's get out. I'll lend you my shoulder, hmm?" He said softly. You pulled down the blanket to look at him. He smiled warmly.

"Really?" You asked and he nodded.

"Let's get out" He pulled out his hand and you slowly catched it and got out slowly with Bambam's help.

"You want me to open the curtain?" He put you on bed.

"It's already morning?" You asked weakly and he nodded.

"No. I like it..dark" You said, laying down on your bed and cuddling under the blanket again. Bambam took off his jacket and sat next to you.

"Cold..." You mumbled with your eyes closed.

"Cold? I got it" He immediately laid down next to you and got under the same blanket. He wrapped his arms around you as you leaned closer to him and he hugged you tighter.

"Is it better?" He asked as you hummed. Bambam sighed softly.

"Don't worry. I won't go. Just sleep" He told. You forgot everything and went to sleep after stayed awake last night. You can sleep now, thanks to Bambam. Bambam wanted to asked you what happened, what he did to you, but he knew it's not the right time. He'll talk later, after you are fine and ready.


Its already evening and you just woke up. You opened your eyes and you saw Bambam sat on a chair next to your bed.

"Bam?" You mumbled. He realized you were awake and looked at you worriedly.

"You're awake? I cooked egg porridge for you. You want to eat now?" He asked as you sat up and looked around.

"What's the time now?" You asked him and he looked at his watch.

"5:57.." He answered as you sighed, remember what happened yesterday.

"You feels better now?" Bambam sat on the bed next to you. You exhaled heavily.

"I'll take a shower first" You got up and left to bathroom.

"Don't take it too long. You worries me" He told as he waited outside at the living room. He went to the kitchen and heated up the porridge. He turned on your favourite song to get you back in the mood.

After taking a shower, you came out in oversize sweatshirt and denim shorts, drying your hair with a towel. You was frozen when you heard your favourite song played in your whole house.

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