Chapter 2

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We walk into town, it didn't take too long. We live in Edmond, Oaklahoma, right outside of Oaklahoma City. The town we live in is very small, and the neighborhood is even smaller. Everyone knows everybody in Edmond. So rumors spread like a wild fire. Last time, somebody said that they saw Mr. Harrison cheating on his wife with the florist. That was very sad, it was even worse when we found out it was true.

Riley and I walk into the candy shop, I don't really like candy. I like ice cream, especially Rocky Road ice cream. That's my favorite. Riley went crazy buying candy, she bought a lot of chocolate and lollipops. She pays Ms. Willowbee, the cashier, and walks out the store.

"I love candy." She grins.

"I know, you're obsessed with it." I tease. She chuckles and unwraps a cherry flavored lollipop, she hands me a strawberry one. I pop it into my mouth, savoring the taste. I only like lollipops, I don't know why, but I do.

We catch up with our friends and enter the roller rink. We go rent our skates and sit on a bench, so we can put them on.

"I love skating!" Riley says, with her lollipop sticking out of her mouth. She ties up the laces and starts skating circles around us. I laugh as she skates on one leg, trying to act like a ballerina. I double knot my laces and start skating with Riley. Collin and Jesse went to the concession stand to buy popcorn and Colton was flirting with some girls.

"Hey Grey, I have a question?"

I turn and look at Riley, with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you think you can teach me how to play the piano?"

"Of course! I'd love to teach you!" I grin and give her a hug. I accidently trip on her feet and fall to the floor with a thud. I groan and trying to get up, but the other kids were just going to darn fast, they just whizzed right past me! Riley tried to pull me up, but she fell too. She started laughing, and began to crawl over to the benches. Well, I guess I have no other choice. I crawled behind her, careful not to get in people's way.

"Hahahahaha! That was hilarious!" She laughed out loud.

"Ehh, it was okay." I shrug.

"Awww, c'mon! That was funny!" She nudged my shoulder. I felt a smile tug on my lips, and I chuckle.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny." I grin. Colton skates right past us, entering the rink.

"Riley! Greyson! Look!" Jesse squeals, holding a tray full of food. We glide over to the table and begin to eat. Jesse and Riley share a PB&J and I ate some chicken tenders. Collin just had a slurpee and a bag of chips. Colton skates back, with a girl.

"Hey guys! This is Ashley." He smiles.

"Hi Ashley, I'm Riley!" Riley grins and shakes her hand. "And this is Jesse, Greyson, and Collin." She pointed to us. I give Ashley a small wave. Jesse rolled her eyes a bit, and gave Ashley a fake smile. Jealous much?

"Hi, nice too meet ya'll." She had a southern accent.

"Wanna hang out with us?" Collin asks.

"Sure, that would be cool! But my twin brother is with me, is it okay if he comes along?"

"Sure!" Riley smiles.


"Gregg! Stop!" Jesse giggled as Gregg, Ashley's brother, chased her around the park. I see Collin and Riley sitting by the sand, and Colton and Ashley were sitting by the field. Colton had an upset expression on his face, but he covered it up when Ashley talked to him.

I walk over to Collin and Riley, they were throwing sand at each other. Collin dumps a bucket full of sand onto Riley's light brown hair. She shakes it out and smirks at Collin, she grabs a smaller bucket and fills it with sand. She grabs the back of Collin's shirt and pours the sand into it.

"OH MY GOD!" Collin shouts, he starts to run around, trying to take out the sand from his shirt. Riley begins to crack up, and falls on her back laughing. I grin and take a picture of her.


"Greyson! I told you not to take pictures of me!" Riley whines, covering her face with her hands.

"Awww but that was a picture perfect moment!" I pout.

"Delete it."

"What? No, you look pretty in it." I state.

"I do not, please Grey, delete it."

Make copy. Delete only one of them.

"There, I deleted it." I sigh dramatically.

"Yay!" She smiles and takes my camera from my hands. She points it to me and I put on a goofy smile. She giggles and takes the picture.

Snap! Flash! Snap! Flash!

"Why did you take two pictures?" I ask.

"Because, one's for the school newspaper and one's for me." She smirks.

"No! Not the school newspaper!" I beg.

"But, I'm the editor. I can put it in, if I want to." She says.

"But, I'm in charge of the photos!" I protest.

"But, I tell you what pictures to put in the paper."

"But...But...But...Ugh! Please! Please Riley! Don't!" I beg, getting on my knees.

"Greyson, you are so gullible. I was only kidding." She chuckles. My phone vibrates.

Mom: Greyson Michael Chance! You better get home, unless you want to be late for piano lessons!

"C'mon Riley! We got to get home!" I say, getting back up and grabbing her hand.

"Why? Did Aunt Lisa yell at you again?" She giggles.

"Kinda, but she's gonna yell louder if I'm late for lessons again!"

"Okie dokie, let's go!" She grins and we run back to my house, without saying goodbye to the others.


"Wrong! I said to play an 'A' not an 'A' minor!" Mrs. Gloria scolds. She walks away mumbling to herself. I take the sharpie from my pocket and right the letter 'A' on the piano key very tiny in the corner. I always do that when I get something wrong, it helps me learn where the right keys are. The only one who knew what I did to the piano was Riley. She teases me about it all the time.

Speak of the devil. Riley saunters in and sits down next to me. She runs her slender fingers across the keys and plays a few notes I taught her a couple weeks ago.

"Teach me more." She whispers.


Hey! I hope you guys like my new story! I know I do! LOL! I don't play piano, so I don't really know alot about it, so sorry if I got some things wrong. But if you play piano, please comment and tell me what the parts of the piano is called and tell me a couple of notes. So Greyson can give Riley a little piano lesson.

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