Chapter 11

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I wake up to Zippers licking my face.

"Zippy, get off me." I chuckle, pushing her off me. She barks happily and jumps off my bed; she runs in circles and continues to bark. I look at the clock.

8:30 am

Oh crap! I only have twenty minutes to get to school! I jump off my bed and rush over to my closet. I slip on some jeans and a white tank top with a green sweater over it. I put my hair in a ponytail and leave my bangs hang loose. I shove on my neon green and black vans and run down the stairs. I grab a slice of toast and spread butter on it. I place it in my mouth as I put on my backpack.

Only ten more minutes!

I sprint out the door and run down the block. I see Greyson down by the corner, walking happily all by himself. I run faster and finally catch up to him.

"Greyson! Wait!" I pant heavily. He turns around and looks at me. He chuckles and stops in his tracks. I notice he is wearing jeans and white collar shirt. His hair was kind of swept to the side and his big brown eyes were staring at me.

"Let's go." He smiles, grabbing my hand.

We walk through the grass and finally reach the school. We still had like seven minutes to spare. I went to my locker and grabbed my notebook and an extra pencil. I shove my way over to Greyson's locker and find him fighting with Gregg.

"Greyson!" I shout at him. Gregg grabbed Greyson by the collar, but Greyson shoved him off. Greyson raised his arm and punched Gregg's face. I grabbed a fistful of Greyson's shirt and pulled him back. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger and his cheeks had a tint of red in them.

"What are you thinking?!?" I scolded.

"He called me a princess!" He shouted.

"Still, you don't need to punch him!" I shouted back. I looked over Greyson's shoulder and saw Gregg rubbing his cheek.

"Are you out of your mind!?!" I yelled at Greyson and ran over to Gregg. I helped him up and inspected his cheek.

 Yup, he is so gonna get a bruise.

"Are you okay?

"Nooo." He groaned. I looked back at Greyson; he was staring down at his shoes. I smirked, one way or another, Grey always felt guilty after he did something bad.

"Grey, go get the nurse." I ordered him.

He nodded his head and walked over to the front office. I looked down at Gregg's cut lip, it was bleeding really bad. I took off my backpack and unzip the first pouch. I grabbed my tiny package of Kleenex and dabbed away the blood. He hissed in pain as I cleaned it.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"He's a jerk." Gregg said.

"Well, maybe if you didn't insult him, this would've never happened." I snapped at him.

"Well, it's not my fault he looks like a princess." He retorted.

"At least he isn't as arrogant as you are." I spat and got up abruptly. I saw Greyson walking back to us with the nurse beside him. I smiled at him and picked up my backpack.

"What happened here?" Nurse Rumatz asked.

"It's my fault Ma'am. I punched him in the face." Greyson admitted. Nurse Rumatz gave him a disapproving look before she checked on Gregg.

"Let's go to my office, I'll give you some ice." She told Gregg. He nodded and slowly got up from the floor. He walked away with the nurse, over to her office.

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