Chapter 13

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The gang and I joked around as we walked back to my house. When we got to the corner, we raced to my house.  Collin won, Colton got second, Jess got third, and I was last.

“Riley, you’re slow.” Jesse whined.

“Not as slow as Grey.” I chuckled.

“She has a point, that’s why he’s usually goalie.” Colton pointed out. I unlocked the front door and we all entered my house. Macy and Zippers greeted us, dancing around our feet, almost making us trip.

“Okay, let’s go put you two in your cages.” I giggled, picking up Macy while Jesse carried Zippy over to their kennels. We locked them up with a treat for both of them.

“I’m gonna take a shower.” I told her and ran over to my bathroom. I stripped off my wet clothes and stepped into tub. The warm water hit my back, relaxing my muscles. I washed my hair in some strawberry scented shampoo and scrubbed my body with orange zest soap. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into my bedroom and changed into some sweats and a yellow SpongeBob T-shirt. I blow dried my hair and tossed my hair in a messy bun. I hopped down the stairs and plopped down on the couch next to Colton.

“When does your Mom get home?” Jesse asked as she walked in.

“Um, I think in an hour.” I shrugged.

“Is she making dinner?” Colton licked his lips and patted his stomach.

“No, she’s bringing take-out tonight.” I told him.

“Awww, I love your Mom’s cooking.” He pouted.

“Of course you do, everyone does.” Collin smirked as he threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Jesse went over to my cabinet and went through my Wii games. She picked up “Just Dance 2”.

“Let’s play this!” She squealed.  

We all chuckled and nodded our heads in agreement.  Collin came back with a big bowl of popcorn and set it on the table. Colton grabbed all the Wii remotes and passed them out. I turned on the TV and set up the game.  

“I wanna pick first.” I grinned.

“Noooo! You’re gonna pick a girly song.” Collin whined. Jesse and I giggled, the both of us already know what song I’m gonna pick. I point my remote over to the TV and scroll through the songs. Finally, I find the perfect song.

“No! I’m not dancing to that!” Colton demanded.

“Then, don’t dance.” Jesse smirked.

Jesse already got in dancing position as I pressed play.


“IT’S RAINING MEN! HALLEJUAH!” Jesse sang as we danced around my living room. The guys just sat on the couch munching on the popcorn. Every once in a while, they would groan and complain. The song finished and they sighed in relief.

“Let’s do this one.” Colton said and pressed play. Seconds later, “Firework” by Katy Perry began to blast through the room. Colton blushed slightly when he realized he clicked the wrong one.

“I’m home!” Mom shouted from the front door. The four of us ran over to her and helped her with the brown, paper bags. We set them on the table and got out the Chinese food.

“Awww Mom, you know I don’t like Chinese food.” I pouted.

“I’m sorry baby, I was in a rush. You can eat the white rice though.” She said.

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