Chapter 4

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"Greyson let's go!" I whine, he was so slow! He walks a bit faster and finally catches up with me. He laces his fingers into mine and we walk together to my house. I forgot my house keys so I ring the doorbell. I could hear Zippers barking from the inside. The door opens, revealing my Mom.

"Hi Mom." I smile.

"Hey baby, hey Grey." She smiles.

"Hello, Aunt Sarah." He waves. We run up the stairs and enter my room. I drop down onto my blue bean bag and look at Greyson. He looked so tired. Why is he tired? It's only noon!

"What time did you go to bed at?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe around nine or ten." He shrugged.

"You're lying, look at the bags under your eyes." I pointed to his face. He walks over to my mirror to examine the dark bags under his eyes. He groans and shakes his head.

"I look like a walking zombie." He gasped.

"Yup, and I thought you knew." I giggled. He nudges me slightly and sits at the edge of the bean bag chair. He pulls out his notebook from his back pocket, he flips though the pages and hands it to me. I look down and see a bunch of lyrics and music notes all over the tiny piece of paper.

"Oh my gosh, Greyson. How can you read this? Your hand writing is horrible!" I knit my eyebrows together, trying to figure out what the words mean.

"I started to write "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga, but I wrote it in my own way." He explains.

"Oh, that's cool Grey! You should use this for the talent show!" I cheer.

"I don't know....I'm not that good." He mumbles. I slap him across the cheek.

(A/N Kinda like what Rocky and Cece do on Shake it Up! lol Gotta love that show!)

"Owwww! What was that for?!?" He pouts.

"Greyson Micheal Chance, you are the most talented person I know. You voice is amazing, and I swear on my goldfish's grave that if you say you're not talented, I'll take away your camera AND your favorite Beetles record." I growl.

His eyes widen and shakes his head. "You wouldn't."

I smirk playfully. "Wanna try me?"

"Okay! I'm the bestest singer ever! Well probably in this room!" He smirks.

"See, that's what I'm talki-Wait...Hey! I sing awesome..ish..." I chuckle.

"You sing really good too." He smiles and gives me a hug.

"Awww thanks Grey." I smile back and ruffle his hair.

* * *


I sit down on my bed, with my head in my hands. I'm so frusturated! My stupid brother took my camera without my permission! And he was clumsy enough to drop it into the toilet! Oh thank the Lord it wasn't being used! But seriously, I had a lot of good pictures in there! And he ruined them!

"Idiot." I mumble.

There's a knock on my door, Collin and Colton walk in, in their soccer jerseys.

"Grey, your gonna miss soccer practice." Colton.

"I can't play soccer right now. I'm in denial." I sigh and fall back onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"What happened?" Collin asks.

"Tanner broke my camera." I mutter.

"Is he trying to die?!? We all know not to take your camera without your permission. Last time, I pressed a tiny button on your camera, you gave me a giant lecture and you made me read this stupid book about the history of cameras!" Colton exclaims.

Forever Isn't A Long Time (A Greyson Chance Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن