Chapter 20

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“Riley, wake up. We’re about to leave to the airport! Get up!” Ash yelled, hitting me with a pillow. I fluttered my eyes open and look around. I was in the family room…CRAP! It wasn’t a dream! I cussed under my breath and trudged up the stairs. Everyone had their luggage ready but me. I walked into the guest room and changed into some jean shorts and a purple plaid shirt. I cursed once again as I slipped on Greyson’s converse since I didn’t have any other shoes.

I shoved everything into my suitcase and stomped out into the hallway. I bumped into somebody and I fell on my butt. I looked up and saw Greyson holding his portable keyboard. He leaned it against the wall and kneeled down beside me.

“I’m sorry Riley, I didn’t see you. Let me help you.” He said nervously. I glared at him and stood up; he squirmed under my stare and picked up his keyboard. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs. Aunt Lisa, Ash, Jess, and Rocky were already in the van, waiting for Greyson and me to get in. I tossed my luggage into the back and sat in the front with Aunt Lisa. I could see through the rear view mirror Greyson dragging his keyboard into the trunk.

Once he saw me sitting in the front, he sighed and took a seat in the back of the van by himself. Everybody could feel the awkward tension between us and talked quietly amongst themselves. I listened to the radio. “Fix You” by Coldplay began to play, and since I knew it was Greyson’s favorite song, I changed the station. 

Aunt Lisa pulled into the airport, just as we were unloading our stuff; I got a call from my Mom.

“Hey Mom.” I answered, as Ashley handed me my suitcase.

“Hey Sweetie, are you at the airport yet?” She asked.

We began to enter the building and went straight to security, since all we had carry-on. “Yeah, we’re passing through security, so I’ll text before we start flying.”

“Okay, bye Riley-Bear, I love you.”

“Love you too Mom, see you later.” I said and hung up. We took off our shoes and anything that was metal. I walked through the metal detector and went to grab my shoes. Once we got our stuff ready, we headed over to our gate, but first we walked Rocky to her gate.

She sighed happily and looked at us, “Well, I guess this is it.” She smiled.

“Yeah, but don’t worry, we’ll see you soon.” Ashley told her. Rocky nodded her head and looked at me; she gave me a big hug. “Bye Riley.” She whispered.

“Bye, Rocky.”

“Flight 314 to New York, New York is now boarding.” The flight attendant said through the intercom. Rocky waved at us one last time and walked onto the plane. The rest of us scurried over to our plane, but Greyson stayed behind.

“Come on honey, we don’t want to be late.” Aunt Lisa told him and he walked a little bit faster. We sat at the gate, waiting for our plane to arrive. Greyson sat in the back, with his keyboard on his lap, and listening to music. I sat next to Jesse as she and Ashley fought over which was better; lip gloss or nail polish?

“Which is better Ri?” Ash asked.

“Yeah, which one, do you like more?” Jesse urged.

I shrugged my shoulder and smiled, “I don’t like nail polish.”

Jesse jumped from her seat and pointed to Ash, “HA-HA!!! IN YO FACE! I WIN!” She laughed. Ashley rolled her eyes playfully and giggled.

“Look, the planes here.” I heard Greyson whisper. Nobody heard him but me, so I turned around and saw the plane pulling into the gateway.

Forever Isn't A Long Time (A Greyson Chance Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin