Chapter 23

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Hey guys, it's me, Ilse! This is like the second part of Chapter 22 because it would've been way too long. So I decided to make it it's own chapter. So here you go! :)



“Come on Riley, you’re taking too long.” Greyson whined as he climbed along the tree roots. I slowly inched over to him, clinging onto the tree roots for dear life. The hill was steep and slippery and my converse weren’t helping me.

“I can’t go on, it’s too hard.” I said, trying to go back. He stretched out his hand towards me and looked me in the eye.

“Give me your hand, I’ll help you.” He smiled. I slipped my hand into his and I felt butterflies erupt in my tummy. He helped me slide over to him and he held me the whole entire time until we were able to let go.

“Okay, Gregg said we were gonna meet by the river near behind his house. So let’s go.” I instructed, as I stepped over a puddle of water. The sun was setting but if we walk there fast enough, there’ll still be light.

“We shouldn’t go through the hills, let’s follow the creek.” Greyson said.

“But the creek gets deeper.” I told him nervously.

“Don’t worry; we won’t get into the water.” He assured me. I nodded my head and rolled up my jeans right below my knees. We might not get in the water, but there is a lot of mud and I don’t want to get my jeans dirty.

“Let’s go this way, I think it’s faster.” I suggested, pointing to the rushing water. Since it rained this morning, the water was freakishly deep. I think it was higher than five feet. The thought of it being taller than me scared me. I’m only 5’3, there’re sixth graders that are taller than me! It’s ridiculous!

“C’mon Riley, we need to get there before it gets dark.” Greyson muttered. Even though I’m trying to be nice to him, it’s still awkward ever since he kissed me. Actually, that was my first kiss. Sure, Gregg’s kissed me before but that was on the cheek.

Greyson was my first kiss.

“Okay, I’m coming.” I whispered, following behind him.

By the time we were half way over to Gregg’s house, it was dark. I mean like pitch black. The only light that we saw was the shine coming from the moon.

“We need to go back; it’s too dark to see.” Greyson said, pulling my arm a bit too roughly.

“No, we’re almost there. C’mon, let’s go!” I protested as I yanked his arm.

“Riley, there are wild animals out here, we could get attacked.” He said seriously.

“Aww, is little Grey-Grey scared?” I taunted as I continued to walk to our destination.

He groaned in frustration and muttered under his breath, “Please Riley, don’t do this now.” He said, trying to keep his cool. I knew if I said one more thing that would upset him, he would get angry.

But as usual, I don’t think before I talk…

“Aww, then what is it Grey-Grey? Is it passed you bedtime?” I teased ruffling his hair.

He swatted my arm away, “Riley Taylor Knight, I said to quit it. If you don’t come back with me, I’ll drag you home whether you like it or not!” He warned me in a hushed tone. I crossed my arms and smirked.

“No you wouldn’t, you got the upper body strength of a-“Just as I was about to say squirrel, he threw me over his shoulder and began to walk us home. I whacked his back and cursed him out, I kicked and screamed and did anything to get outta his grip.

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