Chapter 12

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“Wake up retard! We’re late!” Tanner yelled into my ear.

“Ahhhh! Tanner, why do you have to be a jerk? There are nicer ways to wake up a person.” I muttered.

“Whatever, let’s go!” He shouted running back to his room. I yawned and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and put on a pair of jeans and a grey hoodie. I grabbed my suitcase and made my way downstairs. Everyone was rushing, getting their things ready. I chuckled, my family always did things last minute. It was six in the morning on a Saturday. I need to bring Macy to Riley’s house.

“C’mere girl!” I cooed at Macy. She ran over to me and put her front paws on my knee. I hooked the leash on her and walked her over to Riley’s house. Wow, it’s really dark, the sun hasn’t risen yet. I finally make it to Riley’s house. I knock on the door, waiting for somebody to answer.

The door opens revealing Tyler. “Hey Grey, about to leave?” He asked.

“Yup. I’m here to give Riley Macy, so she can take care of her.” I explained.

“Okay, well Riley is still in her room. I think she’s awake.”He shrugged.

I walked inside and headed up the stairs. I entered Riley’s room and found her reading a book. She looked and a big grin spread on her face.

“Greyson!” She squeaked and ran over to me. I laughed and gave her a hug.

“I thought you already left?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

“Yeah, in a couple minutes. I just need to bring you Macy.” I gestured to the leash in my hand. She nodded and took the leash from me. Macy whimpered and pawed my shoes. I crouched down and kissed her head.

“Don’t worry Macy, I’ll be back tomorrow.” I smiled.

“I know it’s only one day but, I’m gonna be missing you.” Riley said.

“Awww, don’t worry. Just think of the time I got the flu and you couldn’t see me.” I chuckled. She giggled and nodded her head.

“Bye Greyson.” She whispered into my ear and hugged me again.

“Bye Riley.” I whispered back. I heard the car honking. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out the house. I hopped into the car and off we went to the airport.

I’m so nervous, it’s not even funny! This is my first time on a plane and I’m freaking out. What if we crash or gets hi-jacked?!?! I heard about that happening on planes a lot, what if it happens to this plane?!? I turned around and saw Alexa rocking out to her iPod and Tanner was surprisingly reading some kind of book. Mom and Dad were sleeping, so I didn’t want to wake them up. The flight attendant walked to the front of the plane and talked through the intercom.

“Hello, and welcome to American Airlines. Today we will be traveling to Los Angeles, California. The weather over there is gorgeous, 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The flight will be approximately two hours and forty three minutes. If you need any assistance, please press the call button above your seat. Once again, thank you for flying with American Airlines.” The flight attendant grinned.

Suddenly, I felt the plane start moving. Oh my God, I’m going to die! We’re all going to die! Alexa placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a strange look.

“Are you okay Grey?” She asked worriedly.

“Do I look okay?!?” I pointed to my face.

“…Not really. Eww, you look green. Don’t puke on me.” She scrunched up her face and scooted away from me. I sighed and tapped my fingers nervously on my lap. The plane began doing weird turns around the taxi way. We finally reach the runway and we pick up speed. I look over at Tanner and give him a nervous look.

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