Chapter 22

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My breathing accelerated as the doctor announced the news; my Nana passed away.

 I didn’t even get to see her... I was too busy hanging out with my friends. I’m such an idiot; I should’ve seen her the second I landed in Edmond.

“Honey, are you okay?” My Mom asked. Her eyes were tired and full of sorrow. I was too upset to answer her stupid question. Why on Earth would I be okay?! My Nana just passed away and she’s asking me if I’m okay!

My vision began to blur and tears dribbled down my face. I let out a shaky breath and whimpered. I brushed past my Mom and walked down the hospital’s empty hallway. I need someone right no; I don’t know who, but I need someone.

I focus down on my shoes as a few tear drops fall upon them. At this point I’m sobbing. I covered my face with my hands and began to run.

 Just as I turned the corner, I run into somebody’s chest... “Excuse me, I’m sorry.” I cried, trying to get out of this person’s grip holding onto my arms.

“Riley, what’s wrong?” The voice asked. I looked up and saw brown eyes looking down at me, full of concern. They’re not like the green ones Gregg has. Instead of a clear complexion like Gregg, freckles scattered across his nose and pale cheeks.

“M-My Nana, d-d-died!” I stammered, burying my face into his chest. He held me closer and whispered soothing words into my ear. I was relieved that I found that someone to comfort me. I wish I could get another glimpse of his face… maybe I know him.

“It’s okay Riley, everything will be okay…” His voice started to fade. Everything around me was fading away. I wanted to pull away just so I could get one last look of him before he disappeared...

But it was too late.


“RILEY WAKE UP!” I heard the family voice yell in my ear. My eyes shot open and saw big green eyes looking down at me.

“TYLER, YOU’RE HERE!” I squealed, jumping out of bed. I gave him a big hug and he ruffled my bed head.

“Yeah, I drove all the way from Tulsa to see you and Mom. The five hour trip was so worth it.” He said.

“I’m so glad to see you.” I beamed. I heard a tiny yawn come from the floor; Tyler turned around and saw Greyson sleeping on the floor.

“LOOK! IT’S GREYSON!!!! I’VE MISSED YOU BUDDY!” Tyler yelled, jumping on top of him. Greyson groaned and pushed Tyler out of the way. I rolled my eyes and watched him sit up. His eyes flickered to Ty and then to me.

“What time is it?” He yawned again.

“It’s time for you to get a watch.” Tyler smirked playfully.

“Ha-Ha.” Greyson said sarcastically.

I pulled out my phone from under my pillow; I checked the time and placed it on my night stand. “It’s nine.”

“That’s great. I’ll make breakfast and you two love birds get ready.”

“We’re not da-“Greyson was about to protest but Ty already made a dash to the door. I grumbled and went over to my closet I quickly dressed into a pair of light blue, ripped, jean short shorts, a purple tank top, and an oversized grey plaid shirt that I use as a sweater. I slipped on my new converse I got yesterday and I tossed Greyson’s shoes over to him.

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