Tuesday, April 5

16 1 0

April 05, 2016
6:28 PM

(Isabela woke up earlier at 7:45, a few seconds earlier before her alarm. She was pretty excited because it's the first time in a year since she woke up early in a summer.)


(She did what she planned to do.)

Irrelevsnt information, but whatever.

(Until she became an emotional prick.)

Bill, what the heck?

(You listened to Silent Scream by Anna Blue and the next thing happened was that you were being emotional.)

I could relate to the song, come on! I mean, sometimes I just feel to oppressed, you know. Like whenever we leave and I don't even want to. I force myself to appreciate it and end up with a frustrated mom. She does the planning, and I know she'll be frustrated when I don't enjoy, so I try but, it's senseless.

And I dislike beaches. Call me maarte for hating sand but I hate sand now. Me enjoying in Boracay (where the white beach is) is another damn story.

Just let me be
Who I am
It's what you need to understand
And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me
But I can't break free
I cry and cry but just won't get it out
The silent scream

Seriously, outside I'm being a childish dork but even I am lying to myself, not just anyone asks if I'm alright. Only God knows the truth.

(Are you even reading what your own response? It sounds unlike you!)

Since when did you care?

(You're even listening to that song now. Can't you just get over it, kid?)

It doesn't work like that! You don't stab yourself and 'just stop bleeding,' Cipher!

What the frick Bill's song came up.

(Oh come on kid, cheer up! I know you like my voice~)

Bill, no. Don't be like Raziel from the Celeste Academy series.


What's with the emoticons now? And I thought you only had one eye.

(That doesn't mean I can't express my face. Or what it's supposed to look like. Mortal, make me emoticons.)

Not agreeing to that.

(What would it take to just do something for me even once???)

Bill, I'm already typing for you dammit.

(Yeah but this!)

I don't take orders from sadistic demons like you.


Ha! You got burned by a mortal!

(Isabela what the heck)

You said you don't take orders from me, and I don't take orders from you either. So we're even. :^)

(Dangit Glass!)

I'm a lawful chaotic, deal with it. Or chaotic good? Chaotic neutral? Idek.

Just realized that was some sort of request. But heck, no. Not doing anything for this triangle over here. This evil triangle.

(Can't you quit joking about my appearance?! Unless you want me to use my human form--)

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