Monday, April 11

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April 11, 2016
2:10 PM

Bill is slowly being forgotten alright.

In the middle of those two entries for yesterday, Bill hadn't really appeared in my mind, or maybe it was because I was using my console? Don't know.

And at some point I can overpower him.

Once he tried getting to his human form but I avoided it and made him go back to his usual form instead. And I can block him off now.

He's weakening.

The all-powerful, all-knowing and sadistically evil deal-making triangle is weakening? Might be.

Wait-- last night-- er, earlier in the really early morning, he kind of helped with something.

He was active.


Hold on, the last thing he would do is help someone when s/he needs it without a deal...

He's not really disappearing, is he?

Ha, why am I concerned? I wanted this since the first day he was stuck for all I know.

I feel confused. . .

3:00 PM

Not sure, but Bill is coming back.

A little.

He said that I'm unconsciously removing him from my mind somehow.

This reminds me of those arguments about that.

Those silly, wacky arguments.

Dang, I think I'm gonna miss him if he did finally get off my mind.

3:10 PM

I don't really know what to do today, but my mom plans to go to the grocery store.

Where the waffles are. *slapped*

(Seriously, if it weren't for Toby Rogers I wouldn't even be a waffle addict or something)

(I thought you agreed to yourself you won't eat waffles.)

Bill! Still in the triangle form.

(There's no use fighting it, idiot.)

Well, I don't really know why you can't basically stay longer in that form, or maybe it's because I'm used to see you in your triangle form. Unless I read a fanfiction with you in it.

(Just had to be in fanfictions.)

As far as I can remember, that's when it all started.

(You have a point, kid.)

(But I was already here before you knew it.)

Wait, what?

(Remember when you watched Dreamscaperers?)

Yeah, why?

(That's when I really went into your mind.)

. . .

6:49 PM


(Kid chill.)


(Well, you gotta believe it kiddo.)


Got to believe in magic! //slapped

That song has been in my head and I never knew where it came from.

I have mysterious melodies stuck in my head. One of them is Pop! Goes the Weasel.

And then that song. There's another that goes like;

Friendship is magic, magic, magic!

Magic, magic, magic!

And no, it's not My Little Pony-ish.

(That's three-- two melodies. The first one, you already know, so two.)

But I have a feeling there's more than I think. I can feel it.

(You can hear the mysterious melodies from miles away?)

Yup! ^^

(You are strange.)

So are you, triangle.

(Again with the jokes about me!)

Deal with it. That's how you look like. Angel is skinny, I'm kinda fat.

(Your mother once said it's just that you have a large stomach.)

Why does that sound like Keelan von Keiffer de la Ka-something?

(Celeste Academy series. . .)

(Hey, you haven't continued reading Orison since Puerto Galera.)

The Spirit of the Coin/Glass.

Ah yes, the mythical ritual to call ghosts.

I used to do that too, well, let me explain it for ya.

This is basically like using the Ouija Board. You'll need a sheet of paper with each letter of the alphabet inside it's own coin shape. The letters are arranged from A-Z, and there will be a YES or NO inside their own circles at the bottom. Another material needed is a coin. That's it.

To do the ritual you have to put your right point and middle fingers on the coin. If anyone is joining you, they should do the same as well, or hold hands. Your formation will be of a circle.

Similar to doing Charlie Charlie, you ask YES or NO questions. I am unsure if the ghost you have summoned (or demon, idk) will answer other kinds of questions, but for now, that's all I know.

(The memory shows that you didn't really finish it.)

Well, the lights flickered! Everyone had to get out of the classroom.

We did that last 2nd grade. My friends invited me (before Angel, Danica and Star Squad) and one of them, Eunice, was the only one who held on the coin. Me and everyone else were holding hands.

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