Chapter 3: Friends

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Lucy's POV:
"My body is so sore!"
"Damn you Natsu!"
Natsu and I have been fucking non-stop since I moved in with him!"
"It's like he can't keep his hands off me!"
"I mean I don't mind it and all but we have sex 10 times a day!"
My fiancé is such a sexy beast or as he calls it a dragon!"
"I love the big idiot though!"

I'm here hanging out with my friends Erza, Wendy, Levy Mirajane, Juvia and Cana along with Wendy's cat Carla who she seems to drag along with her everywhere she goes as if Carla was her own baby... it's so cute.

I was finally able to get away from Natsu since I'm getting married to him tomorrow.
"I'm so excited to finally be Mrs Dragneel" I thought as I looked at my beautiful ring.

Levy: "I see that someone can't wait to get married tomorrow"
I just smile and nod at my blue haired friend.

Mirajane: "I'm so happy Nalu is cannon!!!"
" Mira you and your ships I swear!" I giggled at my white haired friend.
"Oh by the way Mira have you heard from Lisanna at all?"
Mira just hung her head down low and shook her head no.
I see all my friends clench their fists and grit their teeth by the mentioning of her name. When they found out what Lisanna did to me they were in disbelief. Natsu was the one who had informed them of the incident since, the only people I personally knew were Levy and Mira. I didn't meet the other girls until, I got with Natsu. They all knew Lisanna from childhood all but Juvia.
Anyways after the incident Lisanna disappeared without a trace.

Erza: "I still can't believe you can forgive her after what she did!"

Juvia: "Juvia agrees!"

Cana: "That (hic) chick has some (hic)issues no (hic) offense Mira her being your (hic) sister and all"

Mira: ......

Wendy: Hey that's enough guys you're hurting Mira's feelings!"

OBSESSED (The Sequel To Stipper Love)*Won 2nd Place I'm The 2016 Watty Awards*Where stories live. Discover now