Chapter 16: Released

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3rd POV:
After the little episode with the private investigators Natsu and Lucy had fallen asleep in each other's arms while watching Maury while waiting for the doctor to give the okay for Lucy to be released from the hospital.

An all to familiar long brown haired nurse enters the room with an all to familiar scary pink headed doctor.

Natsu's POV: (Before Nurse Lily and the doctor arrived)

Luce and I were watching Maury while cuddled up in the hospital bed awaiting to be released. We were watching the Maury episodes with men that denied to be the father of their kid(s)

"Ugh...These bastards don't deserve to be called men!"
"What kind of man claims to love a woman, has sex with her she gets pregnant then BAM he flips the script by saying that's not my baby, she's a slut, we never had sex, and blah, blah BLAH!"

"I mean come on!" I angrily bellowed

"I completely agree with you Natsu!" Lucy giggled

"Can I ask you something though?"

"Sure what is it Luce?"

"What do you think of this lady?"

"I think she's a desperate woman trying to cover her ass knowing damn well those kids aren't that man's kids!"

Luce and I were watching this white woman claim that her husband was the father to their two kids.

The problem was that the woman was white and her husband was white but the kids!

"I think she's making an complete idiot out of herself on national television saying that man is the father of those kids" I rolled my eyes in annoyance

"Can't argue with you there" Lucy shrugged

"When it comes to 4 year old Abigail Richard you are....NOT the FATHER!" Lucy, Maury and I said in unison

"There she goes running off the stage crying her eyes out!" Lucy said

"I don't feel any type of sympathy for her whatsoever!" I said.

"Now for the second child when it comes to 5 year old Albert Richard you are....NOT the FATHER" Again the three of us said in unison

"At least her husband is comforting her even though she's been lying to his face"

"That's true Luce but she keeps saying that's not possible he is the father"

"I seriously wish I could go through the TV and slap some sense into her" I waved my hand in a slapping motion.

Lucy laughs at my actions "You're such a goof Natsu!"

"Hey I'm just telling the truth Luce!"

"Natsu can I ask you a question?"

"Sure what is it you know you can ask me anything Luce"

"Well are you glad that I'm not a woman like that.. I mean you believe that the child I'm carrying is yours right?"

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