OLD - 2

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I do not own the lost boys, Santa Carla, or David.

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I set the bottle back down, they were all watching me and I was starting to get creeped out.  David was smiling again "Come on Alex, lets have some fun, your one of us now.".....

     Those words, god why was I so dizzy, was it a dream?  I looked around me, nope, not a dream.  I was still in the odd sunken hotel cave.  I could barely remember the night before, what had that drink been?  Where were the others?  I tried to sit up, but fell backwards again, feeling sick.  I was on a bed, intresting, I hadn't seen a bed coming in.  It was very old, and covered in a ragged mesquito netting canopy.  It was still very dark inside, though it must have been late morning by now. 

I stood up, slower this time, and stumbled to the cave mouth.  The sun was bright, making me blink rapidly, but the burning feeling in my eyes didn't go away.  I went back inside, looking around the shelves until I found an old slightly battered pair of sunglasses.  That was better, a little at least.  I was still so tired, why?  I must have slept at least twelve hours, the sun was directly overhead, telling me it was noon. It was probably safe to go around town now that it was light out, try and find a job. 

I had just as much luck as I had yesterday, meaning, no job.  I came back to the cave a few minutes before sunset, not wanting to be caught in the dark again.  I had eaten while I looked for a job, spending the little money I had left.  Sitting down on the edge of the candle pile I heard a noise.  Turning around I saw Eric come up into the room from what looked like a hole in the floor. 

"Hi Alexandra." he said brightly, as if this was perfectly normal. 

Out of the four of them he was the happiest, and the only one who never called me Alex. 

"Hi?" I said "Why were you- never mind." If he wanted to crawl around under this cave go ahead. But then the rest of them came up "Why were you all down there?" I asked. 

"Oh," Jesse glanced at David briefly"There's a tunnel leading off the cave, we were seeing where it went, but its caved in half way through." I nodded, it seemed a legitimate answer. 

"Eric?" I asked, he looked back up at me "Can I talk to you for a second, alone?" He nodded and followed me off to the side room with the bed. 

"What was that drink." I demanded as soon as he was inside.  He raised his eyebrows

"What do you think it was Alexandra?" I frowned

"That's the point I don't know!  But I can't remember a thing, except for David saying 'Your one of us now.'." I told him "And the sun this morning, god it killed my eyes, I've felt tired all...all day...." I said "Until the sun went down...."

He just stared at me

"What are you getting at here?" he asked

"You four, your hiding something, and I'm finding it out whether you tell me or not."


Sorry it's so much shorter, I'll make another soon I hope!


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