OLD - 16

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Chapter sixteen!

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 I will admit, the boys can throw a party, I'm not huge on parties, but as far is they go, it was fun. 

Jesse was the source of much of my amusement.  He spent half the time trying to find a way to get a tiara on my head without my noticing. 

David, well what to say, I had to give him credit, and an unspoken thanks, for ignoring the game for a night. 

Kyle constantly surprised me, he did things without second thought, he lived in the moment he was in, not holding on to anything but the present.  At one point he pulled me out of my escape from tiara holding Jesse, and swung me around so we were face to face.  I was pretty sure I had turned bright red, but he started twirling me and I relaxed, it was effortless to dance with him.  I wasn't a bad dancer, but I wasn't particularly good either, yet, there I was, being swung and twirled around the cave with utter simplicity. 

Eric, stayed in the background, he smiled and watched.  But when I was dancing with Kyle I glanced at him, and saw his eyes flash.  Was he jealous?  Nah, course not, both of us were still acting as though what had happened in the hospital hadn't happened at all. 

My present, as it turned out, was a bike, a Harley sportster.  Where they got the money I wasn't sure, I just took consolation in the fact that they had bought it, not stolen it.  Jet black, sparkling slightly, painted with twisted rose vines.  I loved it.

I slept well, dreamless.


"Alex," I heard a voice through my sleep, I muttered incomprehensibly back.

"Alex!" The hushed voice sounded scared now.  I rolled over.

Something shook me, I shot up, still half sleeping.

"WhyamIbeingshakenawake." I asked, voice garbled slightly.

"Because I need your help."

"Isaac?  What are- never mind." I muttered, blinking a couple times.  Isaac came into view, black haired, brown eyed, eyebrows raised at my half asleep dialogue. 

"Do the words, 'I no longer like daylight' mean anything to you Isaac?" I asked

"Not my fault," He muttered

"Sort of is, you woke me up." I said

"Keep your voice down-"

"Have you ever seen them asleep?" I asked "They aren't gonna wake up until the sun sets, no matter how much noise we make."

He looked at me as if he didn't believe a word, but let the subject drop.

"What do you want Isaac?"

"I told you, I need your help-"

"I caught that, but with what?"

"My uncle, he won't let me out of his sight, I had to lie, say I was tired, go upstairs, wait an hour and a half for him to think I was asleep, and then creep out my third floor window." Isaac said.

"How can I help with this?" I asked, truly confused.

"Just convince him I'm not helpless, please."

I couldn't help it, I laughed out loud, "Isaac, I'm a half vampire remember, an 'evil creature of darkness' your uncle seeing us in the same place, would just make him more protective, give him a while to calm down."


"Isaac, get this through your head.  He. Will. Hate. My. Guts." I said "The minute he sees me around you I'm going to end up either dead, or bait for the guys."


"No." I said firmly "I'm going back to sleep."


"Isaac, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep, if you want to stay, and end up David's dinner, be my guest." I said lying back down. 

Isaac was spluttering at my cold reply. 

"I'm serious, you can sit here all day and watch me sleep, but as soon as the guys wake up, they will find you.  And that will not end well.  At. All."

"They didn't last time-" he started,

"Lucky break," I muttered, sleep pulling me back under, I didn't hear his reply.


Thankfully, when I woke up it seemed he'd heeded my advice and gone home before sundown. 

I figured I had a few minutes before the guys were up, so I ran out of the cave, shoving sunglasses on my face, to see the last moments of light.  The horizon was barely tainted by the fiery orange, but it made me smile to see it.  Just as the last bits of light disappeared I heard  small laugh behind me.

"Simple things make happiness, your overthinking all of it." Kyle said.

"Thanks for that bit of wisdom master yoda, anything else to add?" I asked snidely

"No, but it's true, your hanging on to your human side so much, when if you let it go, you'll see that it's not so bad."

I turned to him "Murder isn't something I can take lightly Kyle."

"That's because you come looking at it from the wrong perspective, it's murder when someone kills a cow for meat isn't it?  But is that considered wrong?" He asked, I hated to admit, but he had a definite point.  "People kill animals every day for food.  Why is what we do any different?"

 "Because people have lives Kyle, Lives, and families, and friends, people who care." I said softly

"You can't hold on forever Alex, do yourself a favor, and let go before your forced to, none of us want to see the end of this game if you don't."


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