OLD - 6

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Chapter six, enjoy, comment and vote!



The night was cool, and the breeze felt good on my face, I was sitting with my legs dangling over the edge of the boardwalk.  I was so confused, about everything, even if bits and pieces made sense.  I remembered hearing snatches of conversation on my way to Santa Carla, people always disappearing, murder capital of the world.  Those made sense now.  But there was so much other stuff I didn't get, there had to be someone in Santa Carla who knew about this.  But I could feel the hunger coming back, what would happen if- No!  Keeping my thoughts away from that possibility thank you very much. 

I heard footsteps behind me, I didn't bother turning around, no one had come even close to me until now. 

"Alexandra?" It was Eric, great, I didn't answer.  He sat down next to me "Alexandra, listen, about what David-"

He stopped because I had laughed softly, though there was no humor in it. 

"It doesn't matter what he said Eric," I muttered "It matters that he was right, he gave me family when I had none, and normal when I'd never had it.  But he doesn't get that unlike him, I can't just turn my back on life."

Eric shrugged "That's David, he likes to mess with your mind in the beginning.  Really he just wants you to be what she couldn't."

"She?" I asked "The other girl?"

"Star," Eric said "He mutters her name sometimes when he sleeps."

"What did she do?" I asked, glad for something to take my mind off of the present. 

"She cost him almost everything, because of her he lost his original family, before us."

"Why me then?" I asked

"Because you were there, because you seemed diffrent."

"I'm an almost sixteen year old runaway who almost got herself killed in an alley, that makes me different how?" I asked, tempted to roll my eyes.

"I don't know, David just thought you were different."

"I'm different because I almost killed that boy, that's what he's looking for isn't it.  A girl who isn't afraid to kill, or will even if she is." I said, I knew I was right, but I didn't know if I spoke about myself or not.  Eric started to say something else but I stopped him.  "Go home Eric, I'll be back before morning, promise." I didn't wait for an answer.  I stood up, and started back down the boardwalk, I wasn't sure exactly where I was going yet, I'd just let my mind wander. 


I was at a hospital, great, I hated hospitals.  How was I even going to get in?  Oh right, lie, but tell them what?  Deffinitely not that I called them, I didn't want to be interrogated, I was his sister?  Stepsister?  That might work. 

It did, I'm not sure why, but the nurse and doctor believed everything I said.  His name was Isaac, Frog?  Really?  That was a little odd, but who am I to say anything about people's names.  They had given him several transfusions, but he had yet to regain consciousness.  David's words rang in my mind, clear as when he spoke them.  Finish what you started.  I shook my head, clearing it. 

Isaac stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttered, and then shot open.  He sat up, and then fell backwards, thankfully not pulling any of the I.V. needles out. 

"Woah, your okay, calm down." I said softly, please let him not recognize me. 

"I...Where am I?  I'm dead aren't I?" He said to me. 

"No," I told him, resisting the urge to laugh "Your in the hospital, you aren't dead, but it was a close thing."

"My dad said they existed, I never believed him." Isaac muttered.

"What?" I asked

"Vampires, in Santa Carla, my dad always went on about it, I never believed him, just kept a little more careful at night.  But in the middle of the day-" He stopped, and stared at me, the little color in his face draining.  "You!  It was you!" his voice rose slightly.

"Shut up or they'll hear you." I told him quietly "I'm not going to hurt you." I hope but I turned my mind away from that, it was easier as long as I focused on one thing, and that was figuring out if I could learn anything from this kid.

"How were you out during the day!  Sunlight burns you!" I rolled my eyes I had only worked that out myself on the way here.

"Because I haven't killed anyone." I said softly.

"You tried to kill me!" he hissed

"Not on purpose!  You think I can control it?  I didn't even know then." I said, forcing my voice to stay quiet. 

"Then why are you here now?" He asked "Come to finish me off?" I glared

"You listen to me," I snapped "I could have killed you this afternoon, I didn't-"

"Barely." he muttered, I continued as if I had not heard this.

"I went back to the others-"

"There are others!" He demanded, his eyes widening.

"Yes there are, four of them.  They saved my life."

"Your dead!"

"No I'm not, and that isn't what I meant!  I was trapped in an alley with six men, they got me out." I said sourly, god, why had I come here.  This really wasn't helpful to my already frayed nerves. 

I glanced out the window, the sky had gone from black to navy.  "Crap, I have to go." I told him, remembering my promise to Eric. 

"Why?" I frowned at him, and he fell silent

"As far as your concerned you never saw me, you wake up when the doctor or nurse comes in." I said, he nodded, clearly not wanting this to get out either.  I stood up, and walked back out the door, no one saw me except the receptionist on the way out.  

The sky was medium gray when I got back.  Eric was still awake, but he looked dead on his feet.  "Go to sleep," I said softly "I'm not saying anything yet." He frowned for a moment, but started toward the hole in the floor, such an odd place to sleep.  I went back to my room, and lay down on the bed.  I was asleep soon as my head hit the pillow.


I promised you a longer one and here it is, hope you like it!

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