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"So, you don't remember anything?" Jesse asked me.

I shook my head "Nothing from the day before I turned thirteen until now.  It's all been some bizarre hallucination..."

"Was I in it?" Of course he asked me that.

"Yes, and you had the exact same personality, only, you weren't my brother..." I told him

"I wasn't your brother!  Who was I?!" He gave me a look of mock outrage for him not being my brother.  As if I could help it.  But I laughed anyway.

"You were a vampire, you and three other guys." I said, he raised his eyebrows.

"Anyone we know?"

"Honestly Jesse I wouldn't remember.  Do we know any guys your age, who are named Eric, Kyle, and...." I trailed off, there had been a third, he was the leader....What had his name been?  "Odd, I can't remember the last one's name."

"You have weird brain Alex, I'm sure you'll remember tonight, while we're talking about something completely different." I grinned, even if I couldn't remember this life, it was good to be back, and good to be slightly normal again.

I wouldn't be out of the hospital for another week or so, but I felt much better.


"Hey, Alex, some kid named Isaac is here to see you." Jesse's voice broke me out of my daze.  I blinked, surprised, so...He existed too...Wonder how I knew him.  I nodded, Jesse was giving me an odd look, like he was holding back from saying something.

"Let him in," I said smiling, Jesse nodded and walked out.

"Alexandra!" Isaac ran in and hugged me, though very lightly, I was still very sore.  "Jesse told me what happened...And about you not remembering much.." He paused, his brown eyes watching me hopefully "I hope you haven't forgotten me."

I smiled "I didn't forget you...I just don't know how I know you." My cheeks grew slightly warm, it was an odd thing to admit.  "Sorry." I added.

"It's okay, if you didn't remember your brother I doubt you'd have remembered your best friend."

I smiled at him

"But you were in my dream, so at least your not a total stranger." I said

"Jesse said it had been going on for the past three years?" I nodded

"I don't remember a thing of my normal life.  Only the dream."

"What was it like?" Isaac asked

"The dream?" He nodded "It was.....Amazing, mind blowing, terrifying...." I started "I ran away from home, the day I punched Amelia in the face, and she was going on about how I must have broken her nose....I kept going from place to place, never staying very long....Eventually I ended up somewhere on the coast of California.....Santa Carla, I was in Santa Carla..." I paused

"Santa Carla isn't a place," Isaac said "Sure you aren't thinking of Santa Cruz, boardwalk, bunch of weirdos."

I nodded "It was Santa Carla...Maybe my mind made it up....Something happened, I was cornered in an alleyway....by five or six guys...and then, four more showed up, one of them was Jesse, and they saved me...They lived in a cave-"

"A cave?"

"A hotel, that got destroyed back when that huge earthquake hit San Fransisco...They let me stay there...Gave me food....And, something else...." I paused, remembering the ornately crafted wine bottle, originally I thought it filled with some sort of wine...I knew better now.  "Wine, and it knocked me out...I still don't remember what happened there..." A flashback of the party went through my mind...Jesse's demonic face standing out more than the others.  "Something strange happened, I didn't realize it at the time...I went to a comic book store, more out of boredom than anything else...You were there, you were the kid of one of the owners..." I smiled "Your last name was Frog."

Isaac raised his eyebrows "Your brothers right, your mind is really odd."

I bit my lip, wondering how to explain....I had attacked him... "Something came over me when I saw you, like, hunger....But not normal hunger, it made my whole body ache....I...I tried to kill you....I almost did..."

"What were you a vampire or something?" His tone was joking, I stared at him, my expression blank. 

"I was, that was what terrified me.  I was afraid of myself...I went back to the cave and yelled at the guys, demanding some sort of an explanation."

"I'm guessing you didn't really get one?"

"No, not really." I said, smirking slightly "Just more words that stuck in my head...Finish what you started....and then, seeing you in the hospital, accusing me, afraid of me, going on about how your father and uncle had warned you but you never believed...Weeks passed, maybe a month, I don't know...The leader..." I paused, trying hard to remember his name

"My name is David, the other three are my brothers, Kyle, Jesse, and Eric."

David, yes, his name was David, I could picture his face, taunting little smirk and all.

"David, we had a sort of game, if you could call it that...We kept seeing how far we could taunt the other into going...He was trying to break my resolve, get me to crack...So that I would kill someone..." I frowned slightly

"He was trying?  Wait, hang on, your telling me that you dreamt you lived with vampires?  For three years?"

"No...Only the last few months...And I got sick of it, sick of the game, I killed myself...With a wooden stake of all things, that you had given me...And I woke up here..."

"So every time you got beaten..."

"I got hurt in my dream!" I said suddenly "That's why, my ankle when I fell through the floor, the days I could barely move, it was all because of what was really happening!" I grinned "You just saved me a lot of work trying to figure all that out."

Isaac shook his head "That is by far the most bizarre dream I've ever heard."

"Well at least it's over." I said yawning.

He smiled "You should go back to sleep.  Your still healing up."

I nodded, watching him go, just before I drifted off, I murmured again.  "At least it's over."

Another voice seemed to answer me.

"I wouldn't count on it Alex."


 Chapter twenty one

I had to re-type a lot of this because for some reason it deleted itself o_O

Weird.  But here it is!

Hope you like it!


Safe? : A Lost Boys fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now