OLD - 10

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The last chapter was a cliffhanger, this may clear it up :D



I took in the scene in front of Eirc and I.  Kyle and Jesse, looking a little annoyed, standing in the background.  David right in front of us, looking absolutely furious, if looks could kill, we'd both be dead.  Then my eyes found a body, a man, in his early thirties maybe.  Sprawled on the floor, clearly dead, several wooden stakes scattered around him. 

"What happened here?" I asked, finding my voice.  Much to my surprise, it was quite steady, I had expected to squeak.

"What happened?" David asked "Your friend told his father, who decided to come here and wait for us."  He said the word friend in the same way Isaac did, full of contempt.  I felt anger boil through me, how dare he blame me for this, when he'd gotten me into it in the first place!

"Clearly you had it under control." I said, really knowing I should keep my mouth shut, but my mind was ignoring my common sense.

"He wasn't the only one here, his brother came with him, and two others." Kyle said.

"Four people, you three should be more than a match for them from how you act, clearly, looks are decieving." I spat.

Quite suddenly I found myself up against the wall, David was half strangling me, I could barely breath.  His face morphed, looking demonic again, yellow eyes, ringed with red, fangs extended, features sunken.  I was terrified suddenly, and then, he let me go.  He had wanted to scare me, so I would stop challenging him.  But I wasn't finished yet.

"Besides, David, shouldn't you be happy?  One less hunter that might catch you?  One less nuisance in Santa Carla?" I asked him, glancing away for a half second, Eric's gaze locked with mine, temporarily destracting me.  He looked afraid.  For me? 

David had disappeared, the others were watching me like I was crazy. 

"You got some nerve little sister." Jesse said quietly. 

"Who is he?" I asked watching the dead man. 

"Alan Frog, your buddy Isaac's father." I glared at Jesse

"Let me put something straight in your head, Isaac, is not my friend.  I hate him actually, and the feeling is mutual, I go see him so I can maybe straighten this mess out in my head.  Because frankly, I'm tired of being confused." I snapped.

"Alexandra?" I turned to face Eric, there was only one way David could have found out about Isaac, and that was through Eric.

"What?" I asked

"I'm sorry, I didn't  mean to-"

"I don't want to hear it Eric." I muttered. 

"I-" he started again

"Eric, really, I don't want to hear it."

I walked outside, to the edge of the bluff. 

"Jesse's right, you have a lot of nerve." David's soft, always slightly taunting voice came from behind me.

"Guess I do, or I'm just really really stupid." I said smiling.

"That could be it too," He said "But I doubt it."

"I know why you picked me." I said, not turning to look at him as he stood beside me. 

"Oh?  And why would that be?"

"Because you thought I could be what Star wasn't, seems you were wrong." I said

"Oh I don't think I was wrong, you're stronger than she was, at least in a mental sense, weaker in the other."

"And get reminded every time I fall asleep, just how close I came." I muttered

He laughed softly at my remark.  My mind fell on Eric's words, how David locked him in an old asylum.  Would he do that to me?  I hoped not, it didn't seem like I would hold up that long.  If the hunger was this bad now, what would it be in a month?  I didn't want to think of that.  Then end it Again, my mind thinking things I didn't want it to.  You know how.  My fingers rubbed my temple, those thoughts seemed to give me a headache.  Glancing sideways at David I saw that he was smiling, in a way like he knew what I was thinking about.  Then without any further warning than that smile, I found myself falling off the edge of the bluff.  Right towards the ocean rocks. 


*Hides head* don't kill me for killing Alan please!  I am just a writer! 

Alex will be fine, you know that, vampires can fly XD


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