OLD - 4

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Chapter four!  :D  hope you enjoy it, Comment and vote!



"Surprised Alex?"

I sat bolt upright, breathing raggedly.  "What the-!" I looked around, I wasn't tired, so I guessed it was still dark.  I was back in the cave, lying in the canopied bed, crap, I had really hoped that was just a nightmare.  Maybe it was though  I thought Maybe there was no party, and they don't have fangs I just dreamt it all.

I stood up, walking back into the main room, they were all there.  And they looked- perfectly normal.  Same as they had when I had come back from job hunting. 

"You okay Alex?" Kyle asked, smiling at me.

"I," I paused "I think?  Really odd dream, that's all." I said.

They all glanced at each other, and I saw David shake his head.  His eyes shone strangely when he looked at me, and I felt he knew I was lying.

"What was it about?" Eric asked.

"My parents," I lied, not wanting them to know I remembered if it hadn't been a dream.

"You never did tell why you ran away." David said, the others murmured their agreement.  I sighed, knowing I'd have to tell the story now.  I sat down on the edge of the candles next to Jesse and started, wanting to get through it quickly.

"I've been abused since I was five, by both my parents.  I couldn't take it anymore, the day before I turned thirteen I left.  They've never put up signs, never filed a missing persons, probably haven't even changed their lives at all.  I was constantly told while I was there, I was a mistake, they wished I wasn't born, that I shouldn't have been, they'd be better off without me, I only took up space." I said all this fast as I could without garbling it, not taking time to explain it well made it hurt less. 

They all reacted somewhat differently to this. 

David didn't say anything, he still had that odd glint in his eyes that told me he knew I was lying about something. 

Eric frowned slightly "That isn't right, parents should never say something like that to a child, even if their thinking it."

Kyle looked as if he wanted to say something but shook his head slightly, as if clearing it, making me wonder if he had had a similar experience.

Jesse's reaction surprised me most.  He grabbed me around the middle and hugged my head for a second before letting me go.  Acting as an older brother might, he said "Aww, poor Alex.  But I guess that's why you fit in here," he laughed softly "We're all outcasts."

"Enough of this mush," Kyle muttered "I'm tired, and it's nearly dawn."

"It's that late?" I asked, but as he mentioned it, I noticed I was started to get tired, I hoped I would stop having freakish dreams. 

"Night Alex," Jesse said, smirking at me like he knew something I didn't. 

"Night," I said, walking back to my room.  Or the other room.  I guess it was mine.  I always woke up there.


I woke up around three, thankfully with no more dreams.  "Why am I sleeping so late?" I asked of no one.  I grabbed the sunglasses off the table by my bed, a jean jacket I'd found last night, and headed out.  Third time lucky maybe?  Searching the boardwalk I finally found a place with a help wanted sign.  A comic book store.  How hard could it be to work there?  Not hard at all.  As soon as I walked in a young man came up to me.  The same smell from last night, from my dream.  What was wrong with me? 

"Can I help you?" he asked.

I pulled myself together, trying to ignore the slightly intoxicating scent. 

"I-yes, I saw the help wanted sign, I need a job, badly."  God I sounded desperate, but I was, so I didn't care much.  One of my hands was twisting absently around my earing...  I had an earing?  When did I get that?  It was a small beaded dangle, with some sort of engraved bit of metal, and a small feather, it seemed tribal, which wasn't really my style. 

"Have I seen you before?" he asked, that startled me slightly.

"I don't think so..." I paused, he couldn't be.  But he looked familiar, the guy at the beach party.  Crap, that definitely wasn't a dream. 

"Yeah, yeah I have, you were at the party, you left though, good thing I guess, a couple people were found dead this morning.  I'm glad I left when I did."  This was bad, really bad. 

why does this make sense! I wondered they are not evil, they have been nothing but nice to me, why would it be any different for anyone else!  But then another thought hit me the men in the alley, they looked afraid when they saw David.  But it still didn't explain this, or why I felt hungry when I looked at the boy.  It wasn't normal hunger either, it made my whole body ache, and my ears were pounding.  No, that wasn't just noise, was that my hearbeat?  No, it didn't match, it was his.  Kill him What the heck!  Where did that thought come from.  I wanted to kill him though, I wanted to taste what was making that scent.  Blood    No, no no no, this could not be happening, was I really thinking about killing this guy.  I stepped toward him slightly, and then stopped myself, making my body lurch forward slightly. 

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked "You don't look well."

"I don't know," I said softly, I stepped closer, our eyes were locked.  "I've definitely felt better."

He jumped back suddenly, startled by something.  Me?  Had my face changed?  Morphed like I had seen the guys, with sunken features, yellow eyes, and fangs?  I couldn't step back now, I was to far in, I was going to kill this boy, and I didn't even know why.

I acted on instinct I didn't know I had, one of my hands covered his mouth, the other stopped him from getting away as my teeth sunk into his neck. 

The first draught of warm, sweet blood filled me instantly, warming my body from my head to the tips of my fingers and toes.  The ache of hunger lessened slightly, but I couldn't let go.  I was of two minds, half was screaming for me to stop, because in all truth this was sick and wrong.  The other never wanted to stop, and that side was winning. 

No, this isn't right!  I'm not a killer, and deffinitely not like this!  I thought, but I couldn't pull away. 

Focus  I thought    You aren't a killer, let him go, let him go, let him go.   The words ran over and over in my mind, starting ot everpower the fading hunger.  I flung the boy from me, god please don't let him be dead. 

No, no he wasn't, he was breathing, his heart was beating, faintly, though he was unconscious.  I did the first thing in my mind, I called 911. 

"911 what's your emergency?"

"A man has been attacked, by... I don't know what, he's lost a lot of blood, and he's barely breathing." I said, not caring that my voice sounded broken, it would if I had just found this guy.  Not just Attacked him. 

"Where are you?"

"The comic book store, on the east side of the boardwalk, please hurry."

I dropped the phone, not waiting for her answer, and fled the room, wanting to get back to the cave.  And never come out again, I was a monster, they were monsters.  And I was terrified of myself more than them.  Of what I had just done, of what I could do.


Hope you like it!

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