OLD - 26

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We had taken to sleeping in turns, me during the day, him at night, so both of us could keep watch when we were least tired.

I was leaning against the wall, spacing out, trying to ignore the abnormally loud pounding that was Isaac's heartbeat. 

"Alex?" I didn't turn around.  I was in no mood to talk to Kyle, I was also not entirely sure how he'd gotten in.  Nor did I want to listen to any more of his zen master crap.

"Alex?" His voice became slightly impatient.

I still ignored him.

"Are you going to be polite and actually say something, or keep pretending I'm not here?"

I turned around "Hello Kyle." I forced out

"Thank you."

"Do you have any real reason for being here, or is seeing me slowly lose my mind entertaining to you?" I asked softly.

His eyes narrowed "Yes actually I do, unlike David, I find this absolutely disgusting."

I blinked, I hadn't expected that.  "So your here because..."

 "Figured you might want to know where the door was, I mean, it's not like your going to escape or anything." He gave me a slightly crooked grin.

I smiled weakly, not really sure why he was doing this, I started to say thank you, but he stopped me.

"Thank me later, preferably when your on the other side of the country."


 The door, as it turned out, was not so much a door as a sliding piece of the wall.  Well hidden in the constant darkness of the room.  I sat down against it, waiting for Isaac to wake up.  My eyes drifted shut every so often, hunger making me exhausted. 

"Alex?  Did you fall asleep already?" Isaac's soft voice broke my daze, I shook my head.

"Nearly." I said pausing before I continued.  "If I told you I knew a way out, would you take it?" I asked, laying out my plan in my mind.

"Only if you did." He said firmly.

"No, I have to finish things here first, I can't risk them following." That was a lie, an absolute lie.  I couldn't kill any of them, or let Isaac do it.  But I had to make him think I could, he wouldn't leave otherwise.

 "I'll help-"

"Isaac, I have to do this on my own.  I'll be fine, trust me." I pulled the door open, softly as I could.

"If you think I'm just going to-"

"If you don't go, then we both stay here.  And if we do that...." I trailed off, he knew the rest. 

He nodded, knowing I wouldn't take a no.

I watched him go, it was so early in the morning.  He could get far enough.


 "What did you do?!"

I shot up, slightly groggy, Eric's face swam in front of me. 

"What do you mean what did I do?" I muttered.  I glanced around quickly, the door was wide open, Eric had apparently been to shocked by seeing only one person to remember to shut it. 

I grinned "Thanks for the way out."


But I was already running flat out, through the cave, up into the main room, and out into the open air. 

I sighed, thankful that the others had been nowhere in sight.  They must have been out.  It bugged me though.  Something kept telling me this was too easy.  Eric hadn't followed me outside, the others weren't here.  Something was going to happen, or had happened.  I had to find Isaac, make sure he was fine.

I jumped on my bike, heading for town.


"Hello Alex."

I stopped my bike so fast I almost crashed it.

"David." I breathed

"What, no goodbye?  I'm disappointed."

I glared "What are you talking about?"

"You really think you could've escaped if I hadn't let you.  Go ahead and run.  Keep running your whole life." He laughed "I'll always be waiting, and one day I'm going to have something you can't bear to lose."

"What are you-"

"I'll see you around Alex, you can count on that."

He disappeared, leaving someone else behind.


"Isaac!" I shouted, running over to him.

"I'm okay, I'm fine." He said, pulling himself out of my hug. 

I smiled weakly "It's done." I said "We're free."

He frowned slightly "But, your-"

"That won't go away." I said "I'll find some way to deal with it."

"Alex-" I shook my head.

"It's over Isaac, trust me." Here I was, back where I started, lying through my teeth, to someone who cared for me. 

He pulled me closer to him, his lips brushing mine softly.  The spark I felt when I hugged him was nothing compared to this.  I smiled slightly when he pulled away.  He thought everything would be fine.  He thought they were gone.

I wish it was true.

But it wasn't.

It never would be.

They would be back.


Last Chapter

Epilogue in the works.

Alternate chapters also in the works

I had two ways for this to go.

Either Isaac died or he didn't

I chose to do both XD

May write a sequel to this.

Not entirely sure yet

Thanks to evryone who read this.


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