OLD - 14

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The boardwalk seemed to have become the center of my life.  I went there happy, sad, furious, a ton of other things spinning around my head.  The lights, the noise, it all seemed to calm me slightly, though why, I wasn't sure. 

"Alex?" I heard a tentative, and familiar, voice behind me, I ignored it.

"Alexandra!" Yep, it was Isaac.

"Hmm?" I said, not turning to look at him as he fell in step beside me.

"Well, did it work, is he not going to threaten me anymore?"

"I wouldn't say it worked, but yes, he's done threatening you." I said softly.

"So, why are you here?"

"To tell the truth I don't know, I just, came." I said then added "What do you want Isaac, last time I checked, you hate me."

"Well, you sort of did try and save my life." Issac shrugged "And succeeded I guess."

I nodded "For someone who just lost his father a month ago your surprisingly calm toward me."

"Wait, you didn't have anything to do with that though, right?" I glanced at him, his eyes flashed.

"Well it was the guys, so-" he cut me off


"How did you not know, your the one who told your dad about them and me!"

"So your saying I sent my father to his death!"

I admit, I had been a little harsh to tell him that, but I nodded.  He looked like he wanted to say something else, but stopped.  Giving him a small, rather sympathetic smile, I jumped off the edge of the boardwalk and landed ten feet lower in the sand.  He looked down at me, slightly startled. 

"What are you doing?!" He demanded

"Walking in the sand, do you have a problem with it?  Or are you going to come down?" Jeez my emotions were out of whack, one second I'm having a shouting match with him and now I'm walking along the beach. 

"I can't jump that far!"

I smiled "Sure you can, hang off the side and the drop is smaller." What was I doing?  It felt like a stranger was talking through me, even though I knew it was me. He gave me a slightly exasperated look, but did what I said. 

It was quieter down here, and no one else was here but us.  I was staring at him, and his scent brushed over me.  I looked away, my conscious mind was catching up with what my unconscious mind had been doing.  Hunger and thirst shot through me, sending pain through my abdomen and chest.  I sunk to the ground, suddenly very weak.  Isaac stopped.

"Alex?" he asked crouching next to me "Alex are you okay?"

"Go, run away." I said softly, not raising my head.


"Isaac go!" He ran for it, understanding my meaning now.  I didn't look up, didn't watch him go, if I did I would follow him.  Instead I sat cross-legged in the sand, head down, eyes looking out over the ocean.  My mind wandered, settling on my parents.  If you could call them that.  I'd known nothing but cruelty and pain at their hands, I didn't miss them.  But I missed the rest of my family, the ones who actually cared about me, none of them ever realized though.  And I had been too afraid to tell them, for fear I would get beaten worse.  I had been ignorant then, thinking that by running away, I might spark some caring in my parent's hearts.  How wrong I'd been, I went from place to place, staying for no more than a few weeks, traveling farther and farther west.  It seemed that now I would stay here, not like I had much choice.  I was a half-vampire, I was barely sixteen (My birthday was tomorrow), it was the middle of september, and I had no money.  The only thing I had was the guys, who had given me a place to stay, and a strange, yet accepting family.

Time seemed to have gone abnormally fast while I was absorbed in my thoughts.  The sky was getting lighter, albeit slowly.  It was time I headed back, I seemed to dread that a lot, going back.  It wasn't like I didn't like being around them, the only one I was really uncomfortable around was David, his moods changed so fast one would think he was a pregnant woman, or bipolar.  Which would make more sense, not that much made sense anymore.

 By the time I was back the sky was turning pale orange, the guys were already asleep.  I dropped on my bed, not bothering to take off my shoes, or jacket, and fell straight to sleep.


 fourteen done!

Hope you like it!


Safe? : A Lost Boys fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora