OLD - 24

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Another week went by before I could move normally without wincing.  And another two days after that before I was allowed out of the hospital.  I had a feeling Jesse had something to do with that.  Isaac had bought plane tickets, with what money he still wouldn't tell me.  I was staying in Jesse's apartment, which, huge surprise, he'd been renting since he turned seventeen three years ago.

"So we're all set?" I asked Isaac for the thousandth time.

"Yes we're ready, we need to be at the airport tomorrow at noon, I'm packed, your packed.  We'll be in Santa Cruz in little over a day." I smiled

"You have no idea how much it means to me that you believe me." He grinned

"Doesn't take much, and it certainly takes less than seeing you with yellow eyes." He paused "The weird thing was, I thought I'd seen them before."

I blinked, he hadn't said that before.  Was some memory of Isaac Frog poking at his mind?  I didn't know, I hoped I'd find out.


"Alex, wake up, come on!" Isaac's hushed voice was in my ear. 

I sat up, bleary eyed and half asleep still. 

"M' awake," I muttered.

I quicklly scrawled a note to Jesse, it wouldn't be enough to make him not freak, but it was all I could do.  Considering the nearest airport was two hours away and it was already nine thirty.

Gone to Santa Cruz with Isaac,

I have to figure this out,

I'm Not crazy, even if you don't believe me,

he does, I'll see you soon.



Here's something I didn't know, I don't like plane rides.  And a nearly five hour flight, makes for a not so pleasant one.  We landed in Santa Cruz at 5:37.

 "Do you know where your going?" Isaac asked me.  I nodded, I knew exactly where I was going, I just wasn't sure how I was getting there.

"Alex..." Isaac trailed off, I followed his gaze, my eyes met with a pair of navy blue ones.

"Eric." I murmured.

"He's one of them?" Isaac asked softly

 I nodded "Probably the friendliest, but don't let that fool you." I muttered back

 Eric smiled at me, I stared back, my face blank.

"Morning Alexandra." He said simply as we walked up.  "Isaac, I believe we met once."

I had a sudden image in my mind of me and Eric kissing, Isaac's voice sounding annoyed.

"I don't want to see you leeches make out, go do that in a cave."

I almost laughed, Eric seemed to know where my mind was and shot me a grin.

 Isaac raised his eyebrows "I don't recall." He said

Eric shrugged "That's too bad, it was quite funny."

Isaac frowned slightly "I want to know why you keep messing with Alex."

"Gotta be more specific than that, and before you start, think about where you are.  Unless you want her locked up in an asylum, I'd keep that mouth of yours shut until we're somewhere not crowded with people." Eric's voice had taken on the taunting tone I most often heard from David.

"Fine with me." I said "Besides, you'd know all about asylum's wouldn't you Eric."

I smiled in satisfaction when I saw a slight shiver run through him.

"Come on then," I said my voice implying impatience.


Kinda short compared to what I've been doing

 But I had to get this out.

 to get past my block

 Sorry it took forever


Safe? : A Lost Boys fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now