OLD - 13

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Thirteen, unlucky chapter, maybe XD

Tell me if you like it ^_^



"Morning Alex." Jesse greeted, always said that when they came up, since night was their morning. 

"Morning," I said, my voice flat.

"Something wrong?"

"No, I just need a word with David." I said, as the aforementioned came up.  I gave him my 'you are so very dead' glare, he smirked. 

Outside he finally spoke "Something to say Alex?"

"You broke the rules," I told him "Your threatening Isaac."

He looked mock hurt "Why would I ever do something like that?"

"Because your a sick, sadistic, psycho vampire?" I suggested, speaking the word vampire aloud for the first time since becoming one. 

He shrugged "Whatever you say.  But the game isn't off, I'm done threatening your friend." I glared

"Would you all get something through your thick heads!  He is not my friend!"

"Prove it," He taunted, grinning.  "You say he's not your friend, why see him, why warn him, he isn't your friend then why is he still here."

I didn't answer, I didn't have one that he would find worth anything.  I truly had no excuse, besides the fact that it went against everything I knew, everything I was, and he wouldn't listen to that.  But what would I lose really.  It wasn't moral, the complete opposite, that was true of course, it'd be murder.  But I had no dreams for life, I used to, but they were long gone.  Years of abuse had seen to that.  And what I stood to gain...Family, friends, some slight form of normal, however twisted it was.  Never grow old, never get sick, never die.  I was going to cave sooner or later, if I lasted another month it'd be over regardless.  But that was the point wasn't it.  If I could hold out another month, then I should.  I would, but first, my turn to mess with his mind.

"I don't have an answer you would listen to." I said "And I have no excuse for the same reason." His grin widened.  I smiled to myself, I was playing with fire here.

"But your going to have to wait David, because you can taunt me all you want.  Until this game is over, I'm not giving up." Though his grin was still there I saw anger flash in his eyes.  And there was something forced in his voice.

"You think it's bad now Alex, wait and see."

"I'll take my chances, no worse than anything I've been through before." For a moment anger burned in his eyes, but he turned away, heading back inside.  What I'd said was half true, I had gone through several times when I lived with my parents when I had been in pain this bad.  And that was constant, this wasn't, staying away from people, and normal food, the only problem was my headache.  For now anyway. 


I stayed outside for a long time after that.  I could hear the guys inside, joking around with each other.  I had no intention of going back inside yet, or going anywhere else.  Casting my mind around I thought of something I hadn't since being pushed of the bluff.  Flying.

I hadn't experimented with it, I had completely forgotten thanks to becoming wrapped up in the game.  I stepped to the edge of the bluff, teetering for a moment because this would be a suicide move to a normal person.  I stepped off into the open air. 

Here's the thing about walking off a cliff, it's much like falling down a flight of stairs.  Thankfully without the impact, but it's the same helpless feeling of gravity forcing you downward, seemingly faster than normal. 

Just like last time, I stopped, maybe fifteen feet down, floating, like I was laying on my stomach.  The wind picked up around me, like I was in a mini tornado.  I wanted to fly forward, so I was out over the ocean.  My body shifted slightly, and suddenly I wasn't at the bluff, I was directly over the churning sea.  I had moved thirty feet, and I hadn't felt it.  Moving farther was slower it seemed.  But little spaces, short jumps, happened in a matter of seconds.  I drifted back to the bluff, sitting down on the edge again.  Why did I do this to myself?  I'd just proved another upside.  When I wanted to keep away from them. 

I stood up, walked back inside, past the boys, ignoring them calling me, and into my room.  I sank down on my bed.

"Hey where ya going Eric?"

"Gonna go check on Alex?"

"See if she's okay?"

I could hear Jesse and Kyle's taunts, and Eric's faint "Shut up." Before he came in. 

I did not feel like seeing any of them, so I played along with what Jesse and Kyle were.  Hanging upsidedown off the foot of the bed, I smiled at Eric. 

"Something wrong Eric?" I asked, mocking smile still on my face.

He raised his eyebrows, probably wondering if I had gone completely insane. 


"Checking on me, I'm not deaf." I said


"But seriously, you look confused."

"I am a little confused,"


"What were you talking to David about?"

"That?" I asked "We were discussing the game, he isn't very happy with me at the moment."

"What game, I keep hearing the two of you say that."

"We have a game Eric, for want of a better word, because by no means is it fun."

"What is it about?" He looked slightly concerned now. 

"Well, it's about a lot of things.  Mocking, baiting, blood, me trashing his bike..." I trailed off. 

"Wait, when did this start?"

"Right after the Alan Frog incident." I said "He pushed me off the bluff, mocked me, so I took his bike, and successfully crashed it, while staying perfectly unharmed myself.  And sadly that time his bike survived.  Next time however it was not so lucky."

Eric just stared at me "What is the point of this?"

I smiled "Basically me trying to annoy the hell out of him as much as possible.  And him trying to weaken me enough that I'll finally snap." My tone was conversational, and I swear I heard David give a small chuckle from the other room.  I was a little lightheaded from being upsidedown so long.  I sat up, my vision going dark and the room spinning for a second or so.

"Woah, headrush." I muttered, standing up.  I walked back out to the others, I knew they had heard our conversation.  And Jesse was trying not to laugh, I could see the concealed snickers shaking his body.  I smirked "Something funny Jesse?"

"Nothing at all Alex, you just seem in a good mood." he was still failing to conceal his laughter.

"I am, oddly enough, I think I'm going to go out." Did I really just say that?  Because I was not thinking it.  "Alone." I added, then thought for a moment, and turned to David.  "Not like I have anything else to do." I said softly. 



sorry it took so long, temporary block XD 

tell me what you think!


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