OLD - 9

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Yay chapter nine!

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I do not own the lost boys!

or any of their characters!

However I do own mine!

this includes Isaac Frog!

Hope you like it!

Luna ^_^


Eric convinced me to have us take his motorcycle, rather than walk for the hour it would take to get to the boardwalk.  I didn't really mind, though I gave him a hard time about it, I loved riding, I had since I was very small.  Back when I had spent summers with my great uncle, he used to take me for rides all the time. 

"Eric?" I asked, we were walking down the boardwalk, watching people around us run about, shouting to each other. 


"Did you really do the same thing as me?  With the wine bottle?" I asked, remembering David's comment my first night.

"Yes I did, why?" He was giving me a strange look, as if afraid I might lash out like I had yesterday night. 

"No reason really, I just wondered.  You don't really seem," I paused, trying to find good words "Cut out for this life the way they are.  Your too soft, you have to much of a moral balance to not be bothered by killing people." I told him.  He stared at me, not saying anything for a while.

"I guess, in the beginning I wasn't really, I was half for, what, a month?  Two?  Until David finally got frustrated and locked me in an old asylum with two girls." I shivered

"He freaks me out sometimes, he seems so calm, friendly sometimes, but-" he finished for me

"He lashes out when you don't expect it." I nodded.

"What's he going to do to me...If I don't?" I asked, Eric didn't answer.  I hadn't really expected him to, I wanted to go see Isaac, but I wasn't really sure why.  I guess I could, why should Eric stop me. 

"Hey," I said, deciding I go even if he did try and stop me.


"I want to go to the hospital." I told him, "Aaand I can't really go myself." I paused "Well I could, but it would take a lot longer." I stared right into his eyes, dark, navy blue eyes. 

Suddenly I really didn't care whether we went to the hospital or not, I probably wouldn't have cared if the world had exploded right then.  I only knew that I never wanted to look away from his face again. 

"I don't think it's such a good idea, but if your anything like you have been-" his words snapped me out of my reveir.

"Then you'll never hear the end of it." I told him, he sighed.  What had just happened to me, one minute I was focused, the next I was just, lost, looking at him.

Put your eyes back in your head Alexandra I told myself as we made our way back to the bike.  It was a fairly short ride to the hospital, much shorter than it was to walk anyway.  I told them what I had last time, I was his step-sister coming to visit, Eric was my brother. 

Isaac was awake, his eyes narrowed when I walked in. 

"Changed your mind about not-" I cut him off

"Isaac I'm not, so please, do me a favor, and shut up about it." I said

"Who's he, one of your bloodsucker friends?" He demanded

I rolled my eyes "Yes Isaac he is, be nice or I may just change my mind anyway." It was an empty threat, I knew it, he didn't.

He paled, then glanced at Eric.

"Eric, this is Isaac Frog, Isaac, this is Eric." I said Eric waved, unlike Isaac he was smiling.  I half wondered if he wanted to scare Isaac on purpose. 

"Why did you bring him!" Isaad demanded.

"Because," I said "We were out, I didn't feel like walking here, and he agreed."

"Where's the rest of them!  Waiting for you?" God he could be annoying.

"No, they are somehwere else." I forced the words out through gritted teeth.  Isaac heard my tone correctly, his frown deepend.  I wasn't sure why I liked coming here, he annoyed me, but it was so much fun to toy with his fear.  Wow, that was a really sick way of thinking about it, I wasn't normally like that. 

"Why not just kill me?  You want to, I can see it in your eyes." Isaac said his pale brown eyes flashing.

Eric raised his eyebrows at me, as if to say 'Is this kid for real?'

"You never said your name either." He added.

"Alexandra," I told him, I wished he would stop talking about me killing him, it just made the hunger all that worse.  Eric put his hand on my shoulder, as if he knew where my mind was.  I turned my head away from Isaac to look at him.  And you can probably imagine how shocked I was when he kissed me.

It was not deep, or passionate, it was the kind of kiss you get from someone who cares for you, but prefers to hide what they think.  It was sweet in its way, though quickly broken, as we had both forgotton our surroundings, meaning Isaac.

"Hey!  I'm still here, I don't want to see you leeches make out.  Go do that in a cave." I laughed softly, he just hit to close to home for me not to.  Eric and I turned away from each other, both slightly embarrassed.  I could feel my cheeks burning red, and I felt he might have flushed as well. 

Suddenly Eric stiffened "We have to go." He said suddenly, I looked at him questioningly.  He shook his head, what could have happened, what was making him so nervous. 


We were back at the cave in about ten minutes, despite the fact it should have taken a half hour.  It didn't take me long to figure out why Eric was nervous, even though I wasn't sure how he had known.  The others were back.

And David looked murderous.


Cliffhanger!  sorry about that XD

hope you like it!


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