OLD - 15

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I woke up to someone blowing in my ear, I shot up into a sitting position, knocking someone aside, a bright green haired someone.

"What the hell Jesse!" I shouted

"Oh, someone's not in a good mood," He said grinning

"You wouldn't be either, I just woke up on my birthday to-" I stopped, because Jesse had gasped.  I raised my eyebrows at him.


"You never said your birthday was coming up!"

"Why would I?" I asked

"Because you could have gotten presents!"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious!"

"Jesse your almost never serious." I said

"But I am now!  Why didn't you say anything!" he looked like a small child, who had just been told Christmas was canceled.

"Because it wasn't important!  I had other things on my mind." I told him.  Yeah, like finding out I was a vampire.

"Well, I'm getting you a present, and so are the others."

I smiled disbelievingly "I'll believe that when I see it."

"And you will!" He ran from my room.  I stayed there, shaking my head slightly, still smiling.  Jesse was odd sometimes.  Often he was like an older brother, joking, but a little protective, now he was acting like a two year old presented with candy. 

I walked out ten minutes later, my hair brushed, and wearing some slightly nicer clothes.  A navy halter top, and a black tule skirt I had found in the closet.  Might as well humor Jesse, and it was my sixteenth birthday, I deserved to dress up a bit.

"Well you look nice," Eric commented, earning a snicker from Jesse, who was walking out.  I rolled my eyes,

"Did someone fail to mention his insanity?" I asked "Because I'm noticing it more and more."

"He's just excited." I raised my eyebrows

"Right.  And that's any different from any other day I've seen him insane why?"

"He's been excited since you got here." Kyle added

"No I think he's been excited longer than that, try the minute we found you." Eric said.

"Any idea as to why?"

"New sister, new person to annoy."

"But he doesn't really annoy me," I paused and added "Constantly, anyway."

"That's going to change," Kyle muttered

"Are you guys coming!" I laughed softly, hearing Jesse's impatient voice outside.  David sighed, I thought I heard him mutter something but I didn't catch what it was.

"Let's go boys," He said "See ya Alex."

"Bye Alexandra," Eric said

Kyle waved, an odd sort of half smile on his face, like he was embarrassed by Jesse's antics. 

"Bye," I called as they walked out.  Silence, for exactly five seconds. 

I heard a small noise, like someone banging lightly on the wall. 

"Hello?" I called, my voice echoing around the cave "Jesse if this is you, you will never have another  peacful moment in your undead life."

Hiding, crouched behind one of the shelves, I saw a head of pitch black hair. 

"Isaac!" I frowned "Are you insane?!" I demanded dragging him out. 

"No, I was worried."

"Isaac if they had found you, you'd be dead right now.  Do you have any idea how stupid it was to come here?"

"Maybe, but I had to make sure you were okay, last night-"

"I'm fine, you know what was wrong last night." I said

"So today is your birthday?"

"Yes, I'm sixteen today." I said "But seriously, you need to start listening to your common sense." Jeez, I was one to talk, I had pretty much abandoned common sense the minute I went with David in the alley. 

"I do!  But, you looked so sick, you still do kind of, your eyes are yellow-"


"Your eyes, their weird golden yellow, like your friend David's."

Lovely, my eyes were probably going to stay that way.  "Yeah, I'm just hungry." I said softly

"I can get food-"

"Isaac, not what I meant." He could be rather forgetful. 

He paled a little "Oh,"

"Yeah, oh." I muttered. 

"Oh!" Isaac seemed to have remembered something, and started digging around in a backpack I hadn't noticed before.  He pulled something out, a wooden stake. 

"I didn't come completely unprepared, my uncle must have given me at least fifty of these in the past week." He handed it to me "Case things get out of hand, they work."

"Isaac I could never kill any of them," I began

"You don't have to, this thing hurts whether it hits them in the heart or not."

I laughed, it was just such a strange idea.  I flipped it in my hand, it was a strange feeling, even though it was just a piece of wood.  It felt almost, when I held it, like my entire body was tingling, it was a slightly uncomfortable feeling. 

"You should go," I said "Before they get back."


Chapter fifteen!

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