OLD- 11

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Chapter eleven! Please comment and or vote XD



I screamed for probably three seconds.  At which point I noticed something. 

I had stopped falling.

Would it ever end?

Probably not, just go with it Alex.

My body was suspended in midair.  Floating.  I looked up at David, yep, he was still smiling.  He did that on purpose!  Hmm.  If I was floating, how hard could it be to go up, to fly.  The wind seemed to whisper around me, and I shot upwards slightly, so I was level with the edge of the bluff.  A sort of hysteric laugh escaped me, a result of the fact that I was unintentionally defying gravity. 

"Well look at that," David said, his tone mocking "You can fly."

I rolled my eyes "For once David, shut up."

"Make me." He taunted, his eyes lighting up.

"I couldn't even if I tried." I retorted

"Sure about that?"

I stepped back onto the bluff, and smacked him across the face.  He kept grinning, good god, could anything faze him.  Well yes, the whole Frog incident had, but not for long. 

"Told you, not even if I tried.  And you wouldn't fight back.  Afraid you'll break a nail under those gloves?" Why could I never keep my mouth shut. 

Still grinning, everything hurtful or spiteful just seemed to slide off him.

"Now that wasn't nice," He chided, still in the same, taunting tone. 

I scoffed "Like your ever nice to anyone."

"I can be nice," he argued.

"Yeah," I said sarcasticaly "Sure." I walked away, then stopped, looking at the bikes.  My mind sparked a sudden idea, a very stupid, very reckless, yet extremely tempting idea.  I went with it, mounting David's bike, I knew how to ride, and it would be interesting to see what would happen when he caught up. 

"Where you going Alex?" He asked, his eyes had hardened slightly, he was not happy, oh sweet revenge.  I loved it.

"For a ride David, hope you don't mind," I revved the engine "Not that it matters." I told him, -my own sarcastic grin matching the one he had worn before.- and took off down towards the road.

Faintly I could hear him calling after me, but it faded quickly into the rushing wind.  I wasn't sure where I was going, just that I wanted him to follow.  Glancing behind me I could see him, riding one of the other's bikes.  I pushed his bike faster, but he was still catching up.  Oh well, lets see if I can still pull this off.  When I was a eight I had crashed my cousin's dirt bike, he thought it had crushed me, but I came up perfectly fine, having jumped off at the last second.  The bike on the other hand, not so lucky. 

 I swerved off the road slightly, making it look accidental, slamming the brake so hard I really did almost fly off.  Swinging the bike around with its own momentum, I skidded it to a halt so if fell over me.  Uncomfortable, but not unbearable, I waited for him to catch up. 

"Alex?" his voice sounded uncertain, and for once, genuinely concerned.

He was standing over me now, just bent down to pick up the bike.  I sprung up, tackling him.

"HA!" I shouted gleefully, taking pleasure in his shocked face.  "Aww, did you think I was hurt?" I mocked, standing up. 

"Intresting move," he commented, looking at his bike. 

"I learned it when I was eight, on a dirt bike, which got completely destroyed.  Your bike is a little harder to break."

"That implies you were trying to break it."

I smirked "Maybe I was, got my point across anyway." I told him

"And what would that be?" He asked

"You don't control me David, I can do what I want."

"We'll see about that." his tone made me want to shrink away, but I stood my ground. 

"We certainly will." my voice was still perfectly calm. 

I'm not exactly sure what came over both of us then.  But we both knew when the time came, one of two things was going to happen.  I was going to give in, or we were going to clash, hard.  For now it was just a game, seeing who could bait the other further.  But it was going to get worse, much much worse.


Chapter is kind of short, hope I'll get a long one next time :)


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