Chapter 1

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Stiles POV

I'm on my way school with Scott, my partner in crime, I really don't know why I need to go, because I'm like super smart. We're juniors, and I got enough credits to graduate as a sophomore.

But anyway, Scott is dating Kira, in some way I think he still kind of misses Allison. He wants to become friends with her, but it's too hard for either of them, so we all just drop it.

I'm dating Malia, she decided to cut her hair over spring break, she says she hated it long. But our relationship, if you can even call it that, has felt off lately.

I feel like it's coming to an end and I don't know how she feels about it, but I just don't really worry about it too much.

So, all of my friends have lost their virginity... EXCEPT ME!!!

I hate it, Malia and I have not had sex yet, and in the status of our relationship, I don't think we ever will.

So, I'm going to die a virgin and alone!

I park my jeep in the school parking lot and Scott and I get out. We began to walk inside the school.

We meet Malia and Kira at our lockers. Kira kisses Scott and they walk off.

How could he just leave me alone with Malia, he knows I don't necessarily enjoy being alone with her now.

Scott is the only one that knows I want things to end between me and Malia. It doesn't feel right.

All of my friends, except Malia, thinks I'm gay. I tell them that I'm not, but they insist on trying to convince me that I am. I just brush it off.

Malia and I began to walk to class and she tries to hold my hand. I pretend to scratch my nose so that I don't have to.

She kind of gives me this funny look, but I pay it no mind. We walk into chemistry and she sits next to me at the lab tables.

She asks me...

"Stiles, what's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Yeah.. Why?!"

"You seem kinda out of it.. Do you not like me anymore??"

She asks me this as I'm going in my backpack and I freeze...

"Uh.. No that's not the case... I just.. It's just that things have been awkward lately.."

"Oh, well just let me know if you wanna talk or.. something..."

I just give her a fake, assuring smile.

Class begins and the teacher partners us up for a class project. We have to create a chemical reaction.

Aaand of course I'm partnered with Malia. She cheeses and wraps her arm around mine. I just sit there and don't react.

We get through the day, and some how I managed to survive. I hop in my jeep, and Malia texts me that she will be on her way to my house to "start the project."

I already know what she means, but pay it no mind and respond 'ok, see you then.'

I get to my house and "unfortunately" my dad isn't home. Ugh, of course, why couldn't this be the one day he actually stays home from work.

It's been about an hour since I got home and I hear a knock on the door. I go down to answer, and Malia greets me with a slow kiss.

I didn't really kiss back, she probably knew, but chose not to say anything.

We walk up to my room and I sit on my bed, she comes over and straddles me.

She obviously begins to kiss me, the kiss was full of lust. She wanted to have sex with me, but I gently pushed her off.

"We have to do this project.."

"But.. Stiles, I thought you've always wanted to... you know what never mind. I know how your feeling so I'm not going to interfere"

Thank god she didn't take it any further, I wasn't looking forward to telling her the truth.. Not now anyways.

We start our project and she just comes out the blue and asks...

"Are you gay?"

I instantly shoot up

"What! No, who told you that!!?"

"No one, I just feel that's what has been going on with you.."

I look down at my hands.

"No Malia, I'm not gay.. The rest of the gang thinks I'm gay, but I tell them I'm not"

She looks as if she doesn't believe me.


It's getting kinda late so she heads out and goes home. Thank god, cause that was getting awkward and uncomfortable.

I go upstairs to get in bed, I drift off as I lay my head on the pillow. Most definitely not prepared for tomorrow.

All of my classes are with Malia...

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