Chapter 10

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I forgot to mention that in this book Stiles mom will be alive and well. She hasn't been in the book because she was on business, going around the world. And she doesn't know about Stiles being gay.. Soooo.... Oh and his mom will look different in this story.

Stiles POV

I get home from a long day of practice, God I hate my coach, and I find a red Mini Cooper in the parking lot. I come to realization as my eyes widen and notice that it's my moms car.

A smile flies onto my face as soon as I realize that she's finally home from her world-wild job. I haven't seen her in 3 months and I really missed.

I hop out of my jeep and run straight in the house, fiddling with the keys trying to rush in. Once I'm in, walk into the dinning room to see my mom and dad talking and laughing. But then they turn around to notice me.

My mom gets up and I see her still looking as young as ever. She smiles at me and I instantly jump in her arms. She stumbles back a little.

We both laugh and then she scrunched up her face...

"Stiles you stink, did you just come from lacrosse?" She asks with a sour look.

"Yeah, we were out there all day and I hated it.. Mostly because my butt was hurting all day from De-- uh.. falling out of my bed this morning! Yep that's why.." She give me a raised eyebrow out of confusion.

My dads eyes widen and he leads me upstairs, saying that I had to take a shower. My mom looks confused, but amused.

We get into my room and my dad shoves me in.

"Stiles, what the hell.. You mention Derek to your mom, not yet anyways..."

"I know I kinda forgot that she wasn't here to find out that I'm actually gay.." I say in frustration.

"Look, your mom still thinks that your with Malia and she doesn't even know if you lost your virginity!"

My mom heard my dad yelling and decides to come in my room.

"Stiles, John is everything okay.. I heard you yelling, is everything fine?" My mom now looks worried and my dad and I look very stupid.

"Yeah everything is fine mom, nothing to worry about.. You know what I'm about to go take a shower and then I'm heading over to Scott's house"

My mom gives me an assuring smile and nod, then walks back downstairs..

My dad turns around...

"You aren't going to see Derek are you?" He asks, what a stupid question.

"Nooo, of course not.. Because I'm so going to disobey my police father to go get screwed by over-age, used-to-be-alleged-killer Derek Hale.. also known as my BOYFRIEND"

I smile and say in SUPER OBVIOUS sarcasm. My dad scowls at me and I skip off to go get in the shower.

I chuckle at myself as I reach the bathroom. I turn on the water, strip down and then hop inside.

I close my eyes as the hot, steaming water hits my back and spills over my head.

This feels amazing, hot showers are the best. That's when I begin to think of Derek when I saw him come out the shower that one day. OMYGOD he was soooo sexy, the boner I had that day was menacing.

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